- taipan
- зоол. тайпан (большая ядовитая змея, обитающая в Австралии и Новой Гвинее) (зоология) тайпан (большая ядовитая змея, обитающая в Австралии и Новой Гвинее)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Taipan — (Oxyuranus scutellatus) Systematik Unterordnung: Schlangen (Serpentes) Familie: Giftnatte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Taipan — Taïpan du désert Taïpan du désert … Wikipédia en Français
Taipan! — is a turn based strategy computer game for the Apple II and TRS 80 which was created in 1982. It was created by Art Canfil and the company Mega Micro Computers. It was published by Avalanche Productions.Taipan! was inspired from the novel Tai Pan … Wikipedia
Taipan — Taipán puede referirse a: Oxyuranus scutellatus, especie de serpiente originaria de Oceanía, comúnmente conocida como taipán. Tai pan (大班), palabra de origen cantonés empleada en parte de China para hacer referencia a los «hombres de negocios… … Wikipedia Español
taipan — [tī pan′] n. a deadly venomous snake (Oxyuranus scutellatus) of the cobra family, found mainly in Australia … English World dictionary
Taipan — This article is about the Australian snake. For other uses, see Tai Pan (disambiguation). Taipans Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
taipan — taipan1 /tuy pan/, n. (in China) the head or owner of a foreign business establishment. [1895 1900; < dial. Chin (cf. Guangdong dial. daaih baan), akin to Chin dàban (dà great + ban company, class)] taipan2 /tuy pan/, n. a highly venomous elapid… … Universalium
taipan — UK [ˈtaɪpæn] / US [ˈtaɪˌpæn] noun [countable] Word forms taipan : singular taipan plural taipans a foreign businessman who has an important job in China … English dictionary
taipan — noun a) any of a venomous species of snake, of the family Elapidae, found in Australia and New Guinea Of course it was very sad, but the taipan could hardly help a smile when he thought how many of these young fellows he had drunk underground. b) … Wiktionary
Taipan — 1Tai|pan der; s, s <aus der Sprache der austr. Ureinwohner> in Australien u. Neuguinea vorkommende, braun bis schwarz gefärbte, bis 4 m lange, äußerst gefährliche Giftnatter Taipan 2 2Tai|pan der; s, e chin.> Leiter eines ausländischen… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
taipan — (tye PAN) [Chinese: great company] The owner or head of a foreign business establishment. The company was sold some years ago by the bank’s new taipan, who saw it as too extravagant … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases