tail shaft
Смотреть что такое "tail shaft" в других словарях:
tail shaft — /ˈteɪl ʃaft/ (say tayl shahft) noun the shaft which transmits power from the engine of a motor vehicle from the gearbox to the differential …
tail shaft — noun : the after section of a ship s propeller shaft extending through the stern tube … Useful english dictionary
Shaft — Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shaft alley — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shaft furnace — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tail rope — noun : a rope attached to the rear part or end of something: as a. : a rope fastened to the tail of a mine car or train to haul it back empty after unloading or to brake its speed on a downgrade b. : the rope beneath either of two… … Useful english dictionary
Line shaft — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jack shaft — Jack Jack (j[a^]k), n. [F. Jacques James, L. Jacobus, Gr. ?, Heb. Ya aq[=o]b Jacob; prop., seizing by the heel; hence, a supplanter. Cf. {Jacobite}, {Jockey}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John. [1913 Webster] You… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cotton Tail — ist eine Jazz Komposition von Duke Ellington aus dem Jahr 1940, die zum Jazzstandard wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Hintergrund der Komposition 2 Musikalische Analyse 3 Erste Einspielung … Deutsch Wikipedia
red-shaft|ed flicker — «REHD SHAF tihd», a variety of flicker of western North America, with red feathers under the wings and tail … Useful english dictionary
yel|low-shaft|ed flicker — «YEHL oh SHAF tihd; SHAHF », a woodpecker of North America with yellow shafts in its wing and tail feathers; flicker; yellowhammer … Useful english dictionary