Смотреть что такое "tafferel" в других словарях:
tafferel — [taf′ər əl, taf′ər el΄] n. 〚Du tafereel, a panel, picture, for * tafeleel, dim. of tafel, table < L tabula, tablet: see TABLE〛 1. Archaic the upper, flat part of a ship s stern: so called from its carved panels 2. TAFFRAIL … Universalium
tafferel — [taf′ər əl, taf′ər el΄] n. [Du tafereel, a panel, picture, for * tafeleel, dim. of tafel, table < L tabula, tablet: see TABLE] 1. Archaic the upper, flat part of a ship s stern: so called from its carved panels 2. TAFFRAIL … English World dictionary
tafferel — Taffrail Taff rail, n. [D. tafereel a panel, picture, fr. tafel table, fr. L. tabula. See {Table}.] (Naut.) The upper part of a ship s stern, which is flat like a table on the top, and sometimes ornamented with carved work; the rail around a ship … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tafferel — noun a) A carved panel b) The flat upper part of a ships stern above the transom, often decorated with carvings … Wiktionary
tafferel — taf·fer·el … English syllables
tafferel — noun see taffrail … Useful english dictionary
Taffrail — Taff rail, n. [D. tafereel a panel, picture, fr. tafel table, fr. L. tabula. See {Table}.] (Naut.) The upper part of a ship s stern, which is flat like a table on the top, and sometimes ornamented with carved work; the rail around a ship s stern … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
taffarel — /taf euhr euhl, euh rel /, n. Archaic. taffrail. Also, tafferel. [1615 25; < MD tafereel, var. (by dissimilation) of tafeleel < F (dial.) tavlel TABLEAU] * * * … Universalium
taffrail — (n.) 1814, alteration of tafferel upper panel on the stern of a ship (often ornamented) (1704), earlier, a carved panel (1620s), from Du. tafereel panel for painting or carving, dissimulation from *tafeleel, dim. of tafel table, from the general… … Etymology dictionary
taffrail — noun a rail round a ship s stern. Origin C19: alt. (by assoc. with rail1) of obs. tafferel panel , used to denote the flat part of a ship s stern above the transom, from Du. tafereel … English new terms dictionary
taffrail — n. [Written also Tafferel.] Stern rail … New dictionary of synonyms