tactical missile
Смотреть что такое "tactical missile" в других словарях:
tactical missile — taktinė raketa statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nevaldomoji arba valdomoji (nusitaikančioji) raketa su neatskiriama nuo korpuso branduoline, chemine arba įprastine kovine dalimi kovos (operatyvinės) rikiuotės sudedamosioms dalims arba joje… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
Tactical Air Command — emblem Active 1946–1992 Country … Wikipedia
Missile defense — The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System. A RIM 161 Standard Missile 3 anti ballistic missile is launched from USS Shiloh, a US Navy Ticonderoga class cruiser … Wikipedia
Tactical wargame — Tactical wargames are a type of wargame that models military conflict at a tactical level, i.e. units range from individual vehicles and squads to platoons or companies. These units are rated based on types and ranges of individual weaponry. The… … Wikipedia
missile — /mis euhl/ or, esp. Brit., / uyl/, n. 1. an object or weapon for throwing, hurling, or shooting, as a stone, bullet, or arrow. 2. See guided missile. 3. See ballistic missile. adj. 4. capable of being thrown, hurled, or shot, as from the hand or… … Universalium
Tactical ballistic missile — A tactical ballistic missile is a ballistic missile designed for short range battlefield use. Typically range is less than 300 km. Tactical ballistic missiles are usually mobile to ensure survivability and quick deployment, as well as carrying a… … Wikipedia
tactical weapons system — ▪ military technology Introduction system integrating tactical weapons with electronic equipment for target acquisition, aiming, or fire control or a combination of such purposes. Tactical weapons are designed for offensive or defensive use … Universalium
Tactical nuclear weapon — U.S. officials view a W54 nuclear warhead (with a 10 or 20 ton explosive yield) as used on the Davy Crockett recoilless gun. The unusually small size of this tactical nuclear weapon is apparent A tactical nuclear weapon (or TNW) refers to a… … Wikipedia
Tactical High Energy Laser — THEL/ACTD The Tactical High Energy Laser, or THEL, is a laser developed for military use, also known as the Nautilus laser system. The mobile version is the Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser, or MTHEL. Contents … Wikipedia
missile — n. 1) to fire, launch; guide a missile 2) to intercept a missile 3) an air to air; air to ground, air to surface; antiaircraft, ground to air, surface to air; antimissile; ballistic; cruise; ground to ground, surface to surface; guided;… … Combinatory dictionary
tactical — tac|tic|al [ˈtæktıkəl] adj 1.) relating to what you do to achieve what you want, especially as part of a game or large plan ▪ Two players were substituted for tactical reasons . tactical move/decision/ploy ▪ an immediate tactical decision to send … Dictionary of contemporary English