- taciturnity
- ˌtæsɪˈtə:nɪtɪ сущ. молчаливость, неразговорчивость Syn : reticence
неразговорчивость taciturnity молчаливость, неразговорчивость
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Taciturnity — Tac i*tur ni*ty, n. [L. taciturnitas: cf. F. taciturnit[ e].] Habitual silence, or reserve in speaking. [1913 Webster] The cause of Addison s taciturnity was a natural diffidence in the company of strangers. V. Knox. [1913 Webster] The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
taciturnity — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. taciturnité, from L. taciturnitatem (nom. taciturnitas) a being or keeping silent, from taciturnus disposed to be silent, from tacitus silent (see TACIT (Cf. tacit)) … Etymology dictionary
Taciturnity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Taciturnity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 silence silence muteness obmutescence Sgm: N 1 taciturnity taciturnity pauciloquy costiveness| curtness Sgm: N 1 reserve reserve reticence &c.(concealment) 528 … English dictionary for students
taciturnity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Reserve in speaking Nouns 1. taciturnity, uncommunicativeness, reticence, reserve, closeness, curtness; silence, muteness, pauciloquy, laconicism; secrecy, concealment. 2. man or woman of few words,… … English dictionary for students
taciturnity — taciturn ► ADJECTIVE ▪ reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little. DERIVATIVES taciturnity noun taciturnly adverb. ORIGIN Latin taciturnus, from tacitus silent … English terms dictionary
taciturnity — noun see taciturn … New Collegiate Dictionary
taciturnity — /tas i terr ni tee/, n. 1. the state or quality of being reserved or reticent in conversation. 2. Scots Law. the relinquishing of a legal right through an unduly long delay, as by the silence of the creditor. [1400 50; late ME < L taciturnitas,… … Universalium
taciturnity — noun The trait of being taciturn … Wiktionary
taciturnity — tac·i·tur·ni·ty || ‚tæsɪ tÉœrnÉ™tɪ / tÉœËn n. tendency to be silent and uncommunicative, reticence … English contemporary dictionary
taciturnity — n. Reserve, closeness, reticence, habitual silence, uncommunicativeness … New dictionary of synonyms
taciturnity — n 1. reticence, uncommunicativeness, unconversableness, reserve, shyness; quietness, silence, silentness, tacitness, speechlessness, voicelessness, muteness; distantness, aloofness, stand offishness, unsociability, unsociableness. 2. dourness,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder