

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tabulates" в других словарях:

  • tabulates — tab·u·late || tæbjÉ™leɪt / jÊŠl v. arrange information into rows and columns, arrange in the form of a chart …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Voting machine — Election technology Certification of voting machines Independent Testing Authority (ITA) NVLAP VVSG End to end auditable voting systems Help America Vote Act Independent verific …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic voting — Election technology Certification of voting machines Independent Testing Authority (ITA) NVLAP VVSG End to end auditable voting systems Help America Vote Act Independent verific …   Wikipedia

  • Audience response — Wireless RF keypad with OLED display and advanced functions …   Wikipedia

  • accounting machine — noun 1. : a key operated machine which dates, codes, tabulates, adds, subtracts, or totals chiefly in the process of keeping business records (as accounts payable or receivable) 2. : a business machine that selects information from punched cards… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Franchising — For Cable television franchise fee in the United States see Cable television franchise fee. A McDonald s franchise. Franchising is the practice of using another firm s successful business model. The word franchise is of anglo French derivation… …   Wikipedia

  • Truth table — A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that …   Wikipedia

  • 130 — NOTOC EventsBy PlaceRoman Empire* A law is passed in Rome banning the execution of slaves without a trial. * Construction begins on the Olympeion of Athens. * Hadrian visits Petra and Gerasa (Jerash). * A Triumphal Arch for Hadrian is built in… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical industry — Oil refinery in Louisiana an example of chemical industry The chemical industry comprises the companies that produce industrial chemicals. Central to the modern world economy, it converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics — Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics* 130 mdash; Claudius Ptolemy tabulates angles of refraction for several media * 1021 mdash; Ibn al Haytham (Alhazen) writes the Book of Optics , studying lenses, the psychology of vision, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher — (pronounced|ˈʃlaɪɐmaxɐ) (November 21, 1768 ndash; February 12, 1834) was a German theologian and philosopher known for his impressive attempt to reconcile the criticisms of the Enlightenment with traditional Protestant orthodoxy. He was also… …   Wikipedia

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