- table-flap
- ˈteɪblflæp сущ. откидная доска стола Syn : table-leaf
2) откидная доска стола table-flap откидная доска стола table-leaf: table-leaf = table-flap
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Flap — Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap upon… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flap tile — Flap Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flap valve — Flap Flap, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly flap; cf. D. flap, and E. flap, v.] Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. [1913 Webster] A cartilaginous flap… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
table — Synonyms and related words: Domesday Book, account, account book, address book, adjourn, adversaria, album, alkali flat, alluvial plain, ambo, annals, annual, appointment calendar, appointment schedule, bar, basin, bench, billiard table,… … Moby Thesaurus
flap — 1. noun /flæp/ a) Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap of a garment. The comment caused quite a flap in the newspapers. b) A hinged leaf, as of a table or … Wiktionary
flap — v. & n. v. (flapped, flapping) 1 a tr. move (wings, the arms, etc.) up and down when flying, or as if flying. b intr. (of wings, the arms, etc.) move up and down; beat. 2 intr. colloq. be agitated or panicky. 3 intr. (esp. of curtains, loose… … Useful english dictionary
flap table — noun : a drop leaf table … Useful english dictionary
flap — Synonyms and related words: Bedlam let loose, ado, agitation, applique, argument, bag, bang, baste, batter, beat, beating, bedlam, bicker, bilge, blain, blast, bleb, blister, blob, bluster, bobbery, boil, boiling, boss, bother, botheration, bow,… … Moby Thesaurus
flap down — verb throw violently He slammed the book on the table • Syn: ↑slam • Derivationally related forms: ↑slam (for: ↑slam) • Hypernyms: ↑throw … Useful english dictionary
drop-leaf table — ▪ furniture table with one or two hinged leaves supported by articulated legs, arms, or brackets. An early 17th century form is the gateleg table, which was followed by two later English forms the Pembroke table and its more elongated version,… … Universalium
sofa table — noun : a moderate sized oblong table with small leaves at the ends * * * a table with drawers, having drop leaves at both ends, often placed in front of or behind a sofa. Also called davenport table. * * * sofa table noun A narrow table with a… … Useful english dictionary