tab stop
Смотреть что такое "tab stop" в других словарях:
tab stop — noun (computing) A point reached, eg by a cursor, when the tab key is pressed • • • Main Entry: ↑tab * * * ˈtab stop 7 [tab stop] (also tab … Useful english dictionary
tab stop — ˈtab stop noun [countable] COMPUTING another name for a tab * * * tab stop UK }} US }} noun [C] ► IT TAB(Cf. ↑tab) … Financial and business terms
Tab stop — A tab stop on a typewriter is a location where the carriage movement is halted by mechanical gears. Tab stops are set manually, and pressing the tab key causes the carriage to go to the next tab stop. In text editors on a computer, the same… … Wikipedia
tab stop — place in a document to which the cursor is advanced when the tab key is pressed … English contemporary dictionary
tab stop — noun (C) a button on a computer or typewriter that you push, in order to move forward to a particular place on a line of text … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Tab key — on a standard Windows keyboard (on upper left) Tab key (abbreviation of tabulator key[1] or tabular key[2]) on a keyboard is used to advance the cursor to th … Wikipedia
tab — [tæb] noun [countable] 1. a small piece of paper or cloth that is fixed to the edge of something, usually giving information about it 2. a bill for something, especially one that has gradually increased over time: • One out of three credit card… … Financial and business terms
tab key — also tab stop n a button on a computer or ↑typewriter that you press in order to move forward to a particular place on a line of writing = ↑tab … Dictionary of contemporary English
tab character — noun (computing) A control character that causes movement to the next tab stop • • • Main Entry: ↑tab … Useful english dictionary
tab — noun (C) 1 SMALL PIECE OF PAPER/CLOTH a small piece of paper, cloth etc that is fixed to the edge of something, especially giving information about it 2 ON A CAN AmE a small piece of metal that you pull to open a can of drink 3 IN A… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Tab key — key used to advance the cursor a specified distance or to the next tab stop … English contemporary dictionary