system variable

system variable
системная переменная

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "system variable" в других словарях:

  • system variable — sisteminis kintamasis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. system variable vok. Systemvariable, f rus. системная переменная, f pranc. variable de système, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • variable de système — sisteminis kintamasis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. system variable vok. Systemvariable, f rus. системная переменная, f pranc. variable de système, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Variable valve timing — Variable valve timing, or VVT, is a generic term for an automobile piston engine technology. VVT allows the lift or duration or timing (some or all) of the intake or exhaust valves (or both) to be changed while the engine is in operation. Two… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable displacement — is an automobile engine technology that allows the engine displacement to change, usually by deactivating cylinders, for improved fuel economy. The technology is primarily used in large, multi cylinder engines. Many automobile manufacturers have… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable gauge axles — (VGA) are axles that allow railway vehicles to pass from tracks of one rail gauge to a different gauge. Variable gauge axles are used to allow the running of trains between Spain and France, Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan and China, and Mongolia… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable length intake manifold — (VLIM) is an automobile engine manifold technology. As the name implies, VLIM can vary the length of the intake tract in order to optimize power and torque, as well as provide better fuel efficiency.There are two main effects of variable intake… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable valve actuation — Variable Valve Actuation, or VVA, is a generalised term used to describe any mechanism or method that can alter the shape or timing of a valve lift event within an internal combustion engine. There are many ways in which this can be achieved,… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable retention — is a relatively new silvicultural system that follows nature s model by always retaining a significant part of the forest after harvesting. Variable retention harvests serve to promote desired natural regeneration while preserving unique features …   Wikipedia

  • Variable Cylinder Management — (VCM) is Honda s term for a variable displacement technology. It uses the i VTEC system to disable one bank of cylinders during specific driving conditions (for example, highway driving) to save fuel. The 2008 Accord takes this a step further… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable air volume — (VAV) is a technique for controlling the capacity of a heating, ventilating, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system. The simplest VAV system incorporates one supply duct that, when in cooling mode, distributes approximately convert|55|F supply air …   Wikipedia

  • Variable star designation — Variable stars are named using a variation on the Bayer designation format of an identifying label (as described below) combined with the Latin genitive of the name of the constellation in which the star lies. See List of constellations for a… …   Wikipedia

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