system debugging

system debugging

1. отладка системы
2. системная [комплексная] отладка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "system debugging" в других словарях:

  • system debugging — sisteminis derinimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. on line debugging; system debugging vok. On Line Ausprüfen, n; On Line Fehlerbeseitigung, f; Systemausprüfung, f rus. отладка в режиме онлайн, f; системная отладка, f pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • System request — (often abbreviated SysRq or Sys Req) is a key on keyboards for PCs that has no standard usecite web|title=What is the SysRq key for?|work=comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ|url= programmer faq/part2/|accessdate=2008 01 08] …   Wikipedia

  • Debugging patterns — describe a generic set of steps to rectify or correct a bug within a software system. It is a solution to a re occurring problem that is related to a particular bug or type of bug in a specific context. Some examples of debugging patterns include …   Wikipedia

  • Debugging — Debug redirects here. For the shell command, see debug (command). For the German magazine, see Debug (magazine). A photo of the apocryphally first real bug, which was debugged in 1947. Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the …   Wikipedia

  • Debugging — Ein Debugger (von engl. bug im Sinne von Programmfehler) ist ein Werkzeug zum Diagnostizieren, Auffinden und Beheben von Fehlern in Computersystemen, dabei vor allem in Programmen, aber auch in der für die Ausführung benötigten Hardware.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • System-on-a-Chip — Unter System on a Chip (SoC, dt. Ein Chip System), auch System on Chip oder System on a Chip, versteht man die Integration aller oder eines großen Teils der Funktionen eines Systems auf einem Chip (Die), also einem integriertem Schaltkreis (IC)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • — In Linux, the file is a symbol table used by the kernel. A symbol table is a look up between symbol names and their addresses in memory. A symbol name may be the name of a variable or the name of a function. The is required… …   Wikipedia

  • System programming — Systems programming (or system programming) is the activity of programming system software. The primary distinguishing characteristic of systems programming when compared to application programming is that application programming aims to produce… …   Wikipedia

  • debugging — The process of locating and correcting faults in a system …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • on-line debugging — sisteminis derinimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. on line debugging; system debugging vok. On Line Ausprüfen, n; On Line Fehlerbeseitigung, f; Systemausprüfung, f rus. отладка в режиме онлайн, f; системная отладка, f pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Embedded system — Picture of the internals of an ADSL modem/router. A modern example of an embedded system. Labelled parts include a microprocessor (4), RAM (6), and flash memory (7). An embedded system is a computer system designed to do one or a few dedicated… …   Wikipedia

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