synthetic method
Смотреть что такое "synthetic method" в других словарях:
synthetic method — sintetinis metodas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Mokymo metodas – judesio, veiksmo ar jų derinio visumos mokymas nenusižengiant pagrindiniams judesio ar veiksmo atlikimo reikalavimams; vienas su kitu susijusių judesių,… … Sporto terminų žodynas
synthetic method — sintetinis metodas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Viso sudėtingo judesio, veiksmo ar jų derinio mokymo būdas nuosekliai įtraukiant į pagrindinį judesį ar veiksmą naujus judesio elementus, judesius, veiksmus. Tinka mokant… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Synthetic — Syn*thet ic, Synthetical Syn*thet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. synth[ e]tique.] 1. Of or pertaining to synthesis; consisting in synthesis or composition; as, the synthetic method of reasoning, as opposed to analytical. [1913 Webster] Philosophers… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Synthetic language — Synthetic Syn*thet ic, Synthetical Syn*thet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. synth[ e]tique.] 1. Of or pertaining to synthesis; consisting in synthesis or composition; as, the synthetic method of reasoning, as opposed to analytical. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Synthetic phonics — is a method of teaching reading which first teaches the letter sounds and then builds up to blending these sounds together to achieve full pronunciation of whole words. The method relates to the English language only, and as of 2007 is the… … Wikipedia
Synthetic alexandrite — is a crystal which has been created by the floating zone method. This method is also used to synthetically grow a variety of crystals: YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) in white, blue, pink and several other shades, ruby, chrysoberyl and, most and… … Wikipedia
Synthetic aperture radar — (SAR) is a form of radar in which the highly directional (and thus very large) rotating antenna used by conventional radar is replaced with many low directivity small stationary antenna positions scattered over some area near or around the target … Wikipedia
Synthetic schlieren — is a process that is used to visualize the flow of a fluid of variable refractive index. Named after the schlieren method of visualization, it consists of a digital camera or video camera pointing at the flow in question, with an illuminated… … Wikipedia
Synthetic biology — is a new area of biological research that combines science and engineering. It encompasses a variety of different approaches, methodologies, and disciplines with a variety of definitions. What they all have in common, however, is that they see… … Wikipedia
Synthetic oil — is oil consisting of chemical compounds which were not originally present in crude oil (petroleum), but were artificially made (synthesized) from other compounds. Synthetic oil could be made to be a substitute for petroleum, or specially made to… … Wikipedia
Synthetic-aperture magnetometry — (SAM) is a method for analysis of data obtained from magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG). SAM is a nonlinear beamforming approach which can be thought of as a spatial filter.Fact|date=October 2008ee also* Aperture… … Wikipedia