- synthesizer
- сущ. синтезатор (техническое) синтезатор synthesizer: speech ~ синтезатор речи synthesizer: speech ~ синтезатор речи
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Synthesizer — Ein Micromoog Klassifikation Elektrophon Tonumfang gesamter Hörbereich verwandte Instrumente Software Synthesizer … Deutsch Wikipedia
synthesizer — 1869, agent noun from SYNTHESIZE (Cf. synthesize). As a type of musical instrument, from 1909; the electronic version is from 1950s … Etymology dictionary
synthesizer — (Amer.) syn·the·siz·er || sɪnθəsaɪzÉ™(r) n. computerized electronic instrument capable of reproducing the sounds of various musical instruments; person or thing that synthesizes (also synthesiser) … English contemporary dictionary
synthesizer — ► NOUN ▪ an electronic musical instrument producing sounds by generating and combining signals of different frequencies … English terms dictionary
synthesizer — [sin′thəsī΄zər] n. 1. a person or thing that synthesizes ☆ 2. an electronic device containing filters, oscillators, and voltage control amplifiers, used to produce sounds unobtainable from ordinary musical instruments or to imitate instruments… … English World dictionary
Synthesizer — For other uses, see Synthesizer (disambiguation). Synth redirects here. For other uses, see Synth (disambiguation). See also: Software synthesizer Early Minimoog by R.A. Moog Inc. (ca. 1970) A synthesizer (often abbreviated synth ) is an… … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — Sỵn|the|si|zer 〈[ saızə(r)] m. 3; Mus.〉 Gerät zur Erzeugung verschiedenartiger, künstlicher Töne mittels elektronischer Schaltungen, das in fast allen neuen Musikstilen der 1980er u. 1990er Jahre Anwendung findet [zu engl. synthesize „verbinden … Universal-Lexikon
synthesizer — /sin theuh suy zeuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that synthesizes. 2. Music. any of various electronic, sometimes portable consoles or modules, usually computerized, for creating, modifying, and combining tones or reproducing the sounds of musical… … Universalium
synthesizer — [[t]sɪ̱nθɪsaɪzə(r)[/t]] synthesizers N COUNT A synthesizer is an electronic machine that produces speech, music, or other sounds, usually by combining individual syllables or sounds that have been previously recorded. Now he can only communicate… … English dictionary
synthesizer — UK [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə(r)] / US [ˈsɪnθəˌsaɪzər] noun [countable] Word forms synthesizer : singular synthesizer plural synthesizers an electronic machine that produces and combines different sounds, especially for music … English dictionary
Synthesizer — der Synthesizer, (Aufbaustufe) Musikinstrument, das die Klänge anderer Instrumente imitieren kann Beispiel: Er hat bei der Hochzeit einen Synthesizer gespielt … Extremes Deutsch