synchroton radiation

synchroton radiation
синхротронное излучение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "synchroton radiation" в других словарях:

  • Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering — (GISAXS) is a scattering technique most commonly done at synchrotron radiation facilities. A related technique also exists for neutron scattering (GISANS). 300px|thumb|right|Scheme 1: GISAXS scattering geometry. The incident beam strikes the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Silverpoint — A 1789 portrait of Mozart in silverpoint by Doris Stock Silverpoint is a traditional drawing technique first used by Medieval scribes on manuscripts. Contents 1 History …   Wikipedia

  • Particle accelerator — Atom smasher redirects here. For other uses, see Atom smasher (disambiguation). A 1960s single stage 2 MeV linear Van de Graaff accelerator, here opened for maintenance A particle accelerator[1] is a device that uses electromagnetic fields to… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternating Gradient Synchrotron — The Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) is a particle accelerator collider complex located at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, New York, USA.The Alternating Gradient Synchrotron was built on the innovative concept of the… …   Wikipedia

  • LUMIÈRE - Optique — Il est difficile de séparer nettement les notions de lumière et d’optique. La lumière, évidence sensible, apparaît communément comme première par rapport à l’optique, science dont l’objet est l’étude de la lumière et qui englobe toutes les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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