syncategorematic word

syncategorematic word
мат. синкатегорематическое слово

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "syncategorematic word" в других словарях:

  • syncategorematic — adjective Etymology: Late Latin syncategoremat , syncategorema syncategorematic term, from Greek synkatēgorēma, from synkatēgorein to predicate jointly, from syn + katēgorein to predicate more at category Date: 1827 forming a meaningful… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • syncategorematic — Traditionally, a categorematic term is any term that stands alone, as a meaningful constituent of a proposition, while syncategorematic terms need others to make a meaningful unit. A more precise definition can be given for a formal language,… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • syncategorematic — /sin kat i gawr euh mat ik, gor /, adj. 1. Traditional Logic. of or pertaining to a word that is part of a categorical proposition but is not a term, as all, some, is. 2. Contemporary Logic. of or pertaining to a word or symbol that has no… …   Universalium

  • syncategorematic —   a. having meaning only in conjunction with another word …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • syncategorem — noun a syncategorematic expression; a word that cannot be used alone as a term in a logical proposition logical quantifiers, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions are called syncategoremes • Syn: ↑syncategoreme • Ant: ↑categoreme (for:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • syncategoreme — noun a syncategorematic expression; a word that cannot be used alone as a term in a logical proposition logical quantifiers, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions are called syncategoremes • Syn: ↑syncategorem • Ant: ↑categoreme, ↑categorem… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Philosophy of language — is the reasoned inquiry into the nature, origins, and usage of language. As a topic, the philosophy of language for Analytic Philosophers is concerned with four central problems: the nature of meaning, language use, language cognition, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Late medieval logic — Paul Vincent Spade I Medieval logic encompassed more than what we call logic today. It included semantics, philosophy of language, parts of physics, of philosophy of mind and of epistemology. Late medieval logic began around 1300 and lasted… …   History of philosophy

  • Actual infinity — is the idea that numbers, or some other type of mathematical object, can form an actual, completed totality; namely, a set. Hence, in the philosophy of mathematics, the abstraction of actual infinity involves the acceptance of infinite entities,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of philosophy topics (R-Z) — RRaRabad Rabbinic law Rabbinic theology Francois Rabelais François Rabelais race racetrack paradox racism Gustav Radbruch Janet Radcliffe Richards Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan radical Aristotelianism radical behaviourism radical feminism radical… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic — For other uses, see Logic (disambiguation). Philosophy …   Wikipedia

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