synaptic junction
Смотреть что такое "synaptic junction" в других словарях:
synaptic junction — see synapse … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
junction — The point, line, or surface of union of two parts, mainly bones or cartilages. SYN: juncture. SYN: junctura (2) [TA], junctio. adhering junctions intercellular junctions, including zonulae adherentes, hemidesmosomes, and desmosomes, that… … Medical dictionary
Synaptic vesicle — Neuron A (transmitting) to neuron B (receiving) 1. Mitochondria 2. synaptic vesicle with neurotransmitters 3. Autoreceptor 4. Synapse with neurotransmitter released (serotonin) 5. Postsynaptic receptors activated by neurotransmitter (induction of … Wikipedia
Synaptic pharmacology — is the study of drugs that act on the synapses. It deals with the composition, uses, and effects of drugs that may enhance (receptor) or diminish (blocker) activity at the synapse, which is the junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an … Wikipedia
Synaptic augmentation — Augmentation is one of four components of short term synaptic plasticity that increases the probability of releasing synaptic vesicles during and after repetitive stimulation such that :A(t) = [{ m Transmitter Release}(t)/ { m Transmitter… … Wikipedia
synaptic trough — an invagination of the membrane of a striated muscle fiber, surrounding a motor end plate at a neuromuscular junction. Called also synaptic cleft and primary synaptic cleft … Medical dictionary
synaptic — adjective a) Of or relating to a synapse the junction between the terminal of a neuron and another cell. b) Of or relating to a synapsis the association of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes during the initial part of meiosis. See Also … Wiktionary
Neuromuscular junction — Electron micrograph showing a cross section through the neuromuscular junction. T is the axon terminal, M is the muscle fiber. The arrow shows junctional folds … Wikipedia
Neuroeffector junction — A neuroeffector junction is the site where a motor neuron releases a neurotransmitter to affect a target (non neuron) cell. This junction functions like a synapse. Somatic efferent motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle, and are always… … Wikipedia
neuromuscular junction — n the junction of an efferent nerve fiber and the muscle fiber plasma membrane called also myoneural junction * * * the meeting point of a nerve fibre and the muscle fibre that it supplies. Between the enlarged end of the nerve fibre (motor end… … Medical dictionary
neuromuscular junction — ▪ biochemistry also called myoneural junction site of chemical communication between a fibre and a muscle cell. The neuromuscular junction is analogous to the synapse between two neurons (neuron). A nerve fibre divides into many terminal… … Universalium