- symplectic module
- мат. симплектический модуль
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
D-module — In mathematics, a D module is a module over a ring D of differential operators. The major interest of such D modules is as an approach to the theory of linear partial differential equations. Since around 1970, D module theory has been built up,… … Wikipedia
Classical group — For the book by Weyl, see The Classical Groups. Lie groups … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia
Quantum cohomology — In mathematics, specifically in symplectic topology and algebraic geometry, a quantum cohomology ring is an extension of the ordinary cohomology ring of a closed symplectic manifold. It comes in two versions, called small and big; in general, the … Wikipedia
General linear group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
Algebraic K-theory — In mathematics, algebraic K theory is an important part of homological algebra concerned with defining and applying a sequence Kn(R) of functors from rings to abelian groups, for all integers n. For historical reasons, the lower K groups K0 and… … Wikipedia
Floer — Andreas Floer 1986 in Bochum Andreas Floer [fløːɐ] (* 23. August 1956 in Duisburg; † 15. Mai 1991 in Bochum durch Suizid) war ein deutscher Mathematiker, der wichtige Beiträge zur (symplektischen) Topologi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Andreas Floer — IPA| [fløːɐ] (August 23, 1956 – May 15, 1991) was a German mathematician who made important, seminal contributions to the areas of geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. He invented Floer homology, which has proven to be an important tool … Wikipedia
Quaternionic representation — In mathematical field of representation theory, a quaternionic representation is a representation on a complex vector space V with an invariant quaternionic structure, i.e., an antilinear equivariant map:jcolon V o V, which satisfies:j^2=… … Wikipedia
Morita equivalence — In abstract algebra, Morita equivalence is a relationship defined between rings that preserves many ring theoretic properties. It is named after Japanese mathematician Kiiti Morita who defined equivalence and a similar notion of duality in 1958.… … Wikipedia
List of theorems — This is a list of theorems, by Wikipedia page. See also *list of fundamental theorems *list of lemmas *list of conjectures *list of inequalities *list of mathematical proofs *list of misnamed theorems *Existence theorem *Classification of finite… … Wikipedia