symmetric correspondence

symmetric correspondence
мат. симметричное соответствие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "symmetric correspondence" в других словарях:

  • Symmetric space — In differential geometry, representation theory and harmonic analysis, a symmetric space is a smooth manifold whose group of symmetries contains an inversion symmetry about every point. There are two ways to make this precise. In Riemannian… …   Wikipedia

  • symmetric — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Characterized by or displaying symmetry, especially correspondence in scale or measure: balanced, proportional, proportionate, regular, symmetrical. See SAME …   English dictionary for students

  • Extensions of symmetric operators — In functional analysis, one is interested in extensions of symmetric operators acting on a Hilbert space. Of particular importance is the existence, and sometimes explicit constructions, of self adjoint extensions. This problem arises, for… …   Wikipedia

  • Skew-symmetric graph — In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, a skew symmetric graph is a directed graph that is isomorphic to its own transpose graph, the graph formed by reversing all of its edges. The isomorphism is required to be an involution without any fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • Springer correspondence — In mathematics, the Springer representations are certain representations of the Weyl group W associated to unipotent conjugacy classes of a semisimple algebraic group G . There is another parameter involved, a representation of a certain finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiple correspondence analysis — In statistics, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) is a data analysis technique for nominal categorical data, used to detect and represent underlying structures in a data set. It does this by representing data as points in a low dimensional… …   Wikipedia

  • Best response — In game theory, the best response is the strategy (or strategies) which produces the most favorable outcome for a player, taking other players strategies as given (Fudenberg Tirole 1991, p. 29; Gibbons 1992, pp. 33–49). The concept of a …   Wikipedia

  • Lie sphere geometry — is a geometrical theory of planar or spatial geometry in which the fundamental concept is the circle or sphere. It was introduced by Sophus Lie in the nineteenth century. [The definitive modern textbook on Lie sphere geometry is Harvnb|Cecil|1992 …   Wikipedia

  • combinatorics — /keuhm buy neuh tawr iks, tor , kom beuh /, n. (used with singular v.) See combinatorial analysis. * * * Branch of mathematics concerned with the selection, arrangement, and combination of objects chosen from a finite set. The number of possible… …   Universalium

  • Permutation — For other uses, see Permutation (disambiguation). The 6 permutations of 3 balls In mathematics, the notion of permutation is used with several slightly different meanings, all related to the act of permuting (rearranging) objects or values.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lorentz transformation — A visualisation of the Lorentz transformation (full animation). Only one space coordinate is considered. The thin solid lines crossing at right angles depict the time and distance coordinates of an observer at rest with respect to that frame; the …   Wikipedia

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