Смотреть что такое "sword-cut" в других словарях:
sword-cut — noun a scar from a cut made by a sword • Hypernyms: ↑scar, ↑cicatrix, ↑cicatrice * * * swordˈ cut noun 1. A cut with the edge of a sword 2. A wound or scar so produced • • • Main Entry: ↑swor … Useful english dictionary
cut — vb Cut, hew, chop, carve, slit, slash mean to penetrate and divide something with a sharp bladed tool or instrument (as a knife, ax, or sword). Cut is by far the most comprehensive term, for it is not only interchangeable with any other word in… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Cut — Cut, n. 1. An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip. [1913 Webster] 3 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cut — v. & n. v. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (also absol.) penetrate or wound with a sharp edged instrument (cut his finger; the knife won t cut). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by into) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (cut the bread;… … Useful english dictionary
Sword replica — Sword replicas may be produced as a singular reproduction of a specific historical sword, e.g. commissioned by a museum, or they may be produced commercially in series, again either based on a specific sword, a certain historical type of sword,… … Wikipedia
sword — [sôrd] n. [ME < OE sweord, akin to Ger schwert, prob. < IE base * swer , to cut, pierce] 1. a hand weapon having a long, sharp pointed blade, usually with a sharp edge on one or both sides, set in a hilt; broadsword, rapier, saber, scimitar … English World dictionary
cut the Gordian knot — To overcome a difficulty by violent measures, as Alexander the Great cut the Gordian knot with his sword • • • Main Entry: ↑Gordian * * * cut the Gordian knot phrase to solve a very difficult problem in a quick and determined way that may cause… … Useful english dictionary
sword — O.E. sweord, from P.Gmc. *swerdan (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. swerd, O.N. sverð, Swed. svärd, M.Du. swaert, Du. zwaard, O.H.G. swert, Ger. Schwert), related to O.H.G. sweran to hurt, from *swertha , lit. the cutting weapon, from PIE root … Etymology dictionary
cut|las — cut|lass or cut|las «KUHT luhs», noun. 1. a short, heavy, slightly curved sword, used in former times especially by sailors. 2. a large, heavy knife; machete. ╂[< French coutelas < couteau, coutel < Latin cultellus (diminutive) <… … Useful english dictionary
cut|lass — or cut|las «KUHT luhs», noun. 1. a short, heavy, slightly curved sword, used in former times especially by sailors. 2. a large, heavy knife; machete. ╂[< French coutelas < couteau, coutel < Latin cultellus (diminutive) < culter knife] … Useful english dictionary
Sword grass — is a name used for some species of grasses with blades that are sharp enough to cut human skin. This is because they contain many silica phytoliths, a hardening material in many plants. The sharp blades help to discourage herbivores from grazing … Wikipedia