swivel gland
Смотреть что такое "swivel gland" в других словарях:
Spider — Taxobox name = Spiders image width = 250px image caption = an Orb weaver spider, Family: Araneidae regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Chelicerata classis = Arachnida ordo = Araneae ordo authority = Clerck, 1757 diversity link =… … Wikipedia
Muscular system — Latin = systema musculare Muscles anterior labeled … Wikipedia
snake — snakelike, adj. /snayk/, n., v., snaked, snaking. n. 1. any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas. 2. a treacherous person; an … Universalium
Arthropod — Temporal range: 540–0 Ma … Wikipedia
Owl — For other uses, see Owl (disambiguation). Owl Temporal range: Late Paleocene–Recent … Wikipedia