- switch-man
- ˈswɪtʃmən сущ. стрелочник Syn : pointsman, switchman n стрелочник switch-man стрелочник tender: switch ~ амер. = switch-man
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
switch|man — «SWIHCH muhn», noun, plural men. 1. a man in charge of one or more railroad switches, as at a junction or siding. 2. a man who helps with the shifting of cars and makeup of trains, as at a sorting yard or freight terminal … Useful english dictionary
man — man·dae·an·ism; man·da·ic; man·da·la; man·da·ment; man·dan; man·dant; man·da·pa; man·dar; man·da·rin·ate; man·da·rin·ism; man·da·tary; man·da·tee; man·da·tor; man·da·to·ri·ly; man·da·tum; man·da·ya; man·de; man·de·ism; man·del·ate; man·del·ic;… … English syllables
switch — bar·o·switch; mi·cro·switch; switch; switch·el; switch·er; switch·er·oo; switch·man; … English syllables
Switch (serie televisee) — Switch (série télévisée) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Switch. Switch Titre original Switch Genre Série policière Créateur(s) Glen A. Larson Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Switch (альбом INXS) — Switch Студи … Википедия
Man of Violence — is a 1969 British crime film directed by Pete Walker and starring Michael Latimer, Hammer girls Virginia Wetherell (Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde, Demons of the Mind) and Luan Peters (Lust for a Vampire, Twins of Evil), and Derek Aylward.[1] It is… … Wikipedia
Man's Ruin Records — Type Defunct Industry Recording industry Founded United States of America, circa (1994) … Wikipedia
Man-to-man defense — is a type of defensive tactic used in American football, association football, and basketball in which each player is assigned to defend and follow the movements of a single player on offense. Often, a player guards his counterpart (e.g. center… … Wikipedia
Switch (álbum) — Switch es el 11º disco de estudio de la banda de rock australiana INXS. Fue lanzado al mercado el 29 de Noviembre de 2005 y se trata del primer álbum grabado con el nuevo cantante J.D. Fortune después de la muerte de Michael Hutchence en… … Wikipedia Español
Switch (INXS) — Switch est un album d INXS sorti en 2005. Tracks Devil s Party (Andrew Farriss, J. D. Fortune) – 3:25 Pretty Vegas (Music: A. Farriss; Lyrics: Fortune, Marty Casey, Jordis Unga) – 3:25 Afterglow (A. Farriss, Desmond Child) – 4:08 Hot Girls (A.… … Wikipédia en Français
Man of the hour hour — is a radio show and side project by Role Model Clothing s Patrick Langlois and Simple Plan s Sebastian Lefebvre. [cite web |url=http://www.chartattack.com/damn/2006/11/0814.cfm |title=Simple Plan Reset Time With Canadian Only Reissue ] . The show … Wikipedia