Смотреть что такое "swell-and-swale" в других словарях:
swell-and-swale topography — A local scale topography composed of small, well rounded hillocks and shallow, closed depressions irregularly spaced across low relief ground moraine (slopes generally 2 6 %); the effect is a subdued, irregularly undulating surface that is… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
swale — a) A shallow, open depression in unconsolidated materials which lacks a defined channel but can funnel overland or subsurface flow into a drainageway. Soils in swales tend to be moister and thicker (cumulic) compared to surrounding soils.… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
swell — (not recommended) refer to swell and swale topography … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Eva (archaeological site) — The Eva site is a prehistoric Native American site in Benton County, Tennessee, in the southeastern United States. Located along an ancient channel of the Tennessee River, the Eva site saw extensive periods of occupation during the Middle and… … Wikipedia
Deal, Kent — Coordinates: 51°13′21″N 1°24′02″E / 51.2226°N 1.4006°E / 51.2226; 1.4006 … Wikipedia
moor — Synonyms and related words: affix, agricultural region, alight, alkali flat, alluvial plain, anchor, annex, anthill, arable land, attach, barrow, basin, batten, batten down, baygall, belay, berth, billet at, bind, bivouac, black belt, bog, bottom … Moby Thesaurus