sweetness and light

sweetness and light
часто (ироничное) полное благополучие;
благоденствие, беспечальное житье;
безмятежность - the end of the movie was all * в фильме все кончилось к всеобщему удовольствию часто (ироничное) обаяние;
внешняя и внутренняя привлекательность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sweetness and light" в других словарях:

  • Sweetness and light — is an English idiom that indicates a person’s friendliness and ease. Today, it is generally used ironically to describe insincere courtesy. For example: The two had been fighting for a month, but around others it was all sweetness and light.… …   Wikipedia

  • sweetness and light — ► sweetness and light good natured benevolence or harmony. Main Entry: ↑sweetness …   English terms dictionary

  • sweetness and light — noun a mild reasonableness when he learned who I was he became all sweetness and light • Hypernyms: ↑affability, ↑affableness, ↑amiability, ↑amiableness, ↑bonhomie, ↑geniality * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweetness and light — noun Date: 1869 1. a harmonious combination of beauty and enlightenment viewed as a hallmark of culture 2. a. amiable reasonableness of disposition < they were all sweetness and light > b. an untroubled or harmonious state or condition < but all… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sweetness and light — noun That which is good, pure, pleasant, etc. So it transpired, though not everything at Garmisch was sweetness and light. The leader of the British team, Arnold Lunn, the father of alpine ski racing and a British public school amateur to the… …   Wiktionary

  • sweetness and light — good natured benevolence or harmony. [taken from Jonathan Swift and used by Matthew Arnold in Culture and Anarchy (1869).] → sweetness …   English new terms dictionary

  • sweetness and light — Synonyms and related words: bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, goo, hearts and flowers, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, mushiness, namby pamby, namby pambyism, namby pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • all sweetness and light — phrase if a person or situation is all sweetness and light, they are very pleasant, often in a way that seems false One minute she’s incredibly rude to me and the next she’s all sweetness and light. Thesaurus: polite in an unpleasant or insincere …   Useful english dictionary

  • all is sweetness and light — if all is sweetness and light, everyone is being friendly and pleasant with each other, especially when this was not expected. They had a furious argument last night but this morning all was sweetness and light …   New idioms dictionary

  • all sweetness and light — if a person or situation is all sweetness and light, they are very pleasant, often in a way that seems false One minute she s incredibly rude to me and the next she s all sweetness and light …   English dictionary

  • be all sweetness and light — to be very pleasant and friendly, especially when other people are not expecting you to be. I was expecting her to be in a foul mood but she was all sweetness and light …   New idioms dictionary

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