sweeping out
Смотреть что такое "sweeping out" в других словарях:
sweeping — [adj] wide ranging across the board, all around, all embracing, all encompassing, all inclusive, all out, bird’s eye*, blanket, broad, complete, comprehensive, exaggerated, exhaustive, extensive, full, general, global, inclusive, indiscriminate,… … New thesaurus
sweeping — adjective 1) sweeping changes Syn: extensive, wide ranging, global, broad, comprehensive, all inclusive, all embracing, far reaching, across the board; thorough, radical; informal wall to wall Ant: limited, narrow … Thesaurus of popular words
sweeping — A handful of beliefs centre on the act of sweeping, in addition to those connected with the *broom itself. Sweeping dust out of the house is ill advised: A Lincolnshire maidservant explained to me some years ago that it was wrong to sweep out… … A Dictionary of English folklore
sweeping — /ˈswipɪŋ/ (say sweeping) adjective 1. of wide range or scope; far reaching. 2. moving or passing about over a wide area: a sweeping glance. 3. moving, driving, or passing steadily or forcibly on. 4. without limitations; indiscriminate;… …
sweeping — sweepingly, adv. /swee ping/, adj. 1. of wide range or scope. 2. moving or passing about over a wide area: a sweeping glance. 3. moving, driving, or passing steadily and forcibly on. 4. (of the outcome of a contest) decisive; overwhelming;… … Universalium
sweeping — sweep•ing [[t]ˈswi pɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) of wide range or scope 2) moving or passing over a wide area: a sweeping glance[/ex] 3) moving or driving steadily and forcibly on 4) (of the outcome of a contest) decisive; overwhelming: a sweeping… … From formal English to slang
out-and-out — Synonyms and related words: absolute, admitting no exception, all embracing, all encompassing, all out, all pervading, arrant, born, broad based, categorical, classical, clean, clear, complete, comprehensive, conclusive, congenital, consummate,… … Moby Thesaurus
sweeping — Synonyms and related words: absolute, across the board, across the board, aleatoric, aleatory, all comprehensive, all embracing, all encompassing, all inclusive, all out, all pervading, amorphous, blanket, blobby, blurred, blurry, born, broad,… … Moby Thesaurus
out-and-out — adj thorough, throughgoing, exhaustive, in depth, A to Z, Brit. A to Zed, Brit. Dial. grade ly, comprehensive, sweeping, all encompassing; complete, total, utter, absolute, sheer, radical, rank, gross; full fledged, dyed in the wool, hard core,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
sweeping — adj 1. broad, wide, widespread, extensive, expansive, far reaching, panoramic, bird s eye, Inf. wall to wall; inclusive, inclusory, nonexclusive, unlimited, indiscriminate; general, universal, worldwide, pandemic, all embracing, catholic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
all out — Synonyms and related words: a outrance, a toute outrance, absolute, absolutely, actively, admitting no exception, all hollow, all the way, all embracing, all encompassing, all pervading, allegretto, allegro, animatedly, at full blast, at full… … Moby Thesaurus