sweat out

sweat out

1) разг. вымогать;
2) избавляться to sweat out a cold ≈ пропотеть, чтобы избавиться от простуды
3) разг. выдерживать (до конца) выгонять с потом (болезнь) - to * flu пропотеть и тем избавиться от гриппа избавиться - I have to sweat him out from my heart я должна забыть о нем /изгнать его из своего сердца/ (разговорное) вымогать - I'll sweat the money out of him я из него выколочу эти деньги (разговорное) выдерживать - I'll sweat this line out я выстою эту очередь ожидать с тревогой, волнением > to sweat one's guts out надрываться на работе;
работать как вол;
вкалывать, ишачить, "пахать"

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sweat out" в других словарях:

  • sweat out — (something) to anxiously wait for something. I sent in my application and now I have to sweat out the two months until I get an answer. We really had to sweat it out because it wasn t clear until the end that we would actually win …   New idioms dictionary

  • sweat out — transitive verb 1. : to endure, wait for, or wait through the course of (something beyond one s control) all they could do was to close their ranks, make the best speed they could, and sweat it out to the end Nicholas Monsarrat these officers ate …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweat out something — sweat out (something) to anxiously wait for something. I sent in my application and now I have to sweat out the two months until I get an answer. We really had to sweat it out because it wasn t clear until the end that we would actually win …   New idioms dictionary

  • sweat out — {v.}, {informal} To wait anxiously; worry while waiting. * /Karl was sweating out the results of the college exams./ * /The search plane signaled that help was on the way. The men in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sweat out — {v.}, {informal} To wait anxiously; worry while waiting. * /Karl was sweating out the results of the college exams./ * /The search plane signaled that help was on the way. The men in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sweat\ out — v informal To wait anxiously; worry while waiting. Karl was sweating out the results of the college exams. The search plane signaled that help was on the way. the men in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sweat out — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. worry, agonize, be troubled, be uncertain, be doubtful, be worried, wait anxiously; see also endure 2 , suffer 1 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb Slang. To carry on through despite hardships: endure. Slang: tough out. See …   English dictionary for students

  • sweat out — wait anxiously, worry while waiting I spent the evening sweating out whether or not I would get the job or not …   Idioms and examples

  • sweat out — transitive verb Date: 1589 1. to work one s way painfully through or to 2. to endure or wait through the course of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • A Fever You Can't Sweat Out — Studio album by Panic! at the Disco Released September …   Wikipedia

  • A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out — A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out …   Википедия

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