
1. сущ.
1) плеск Syn : splash, plash
2) прибой, сильное течение
3) отмель Syn : shoal, sandbank
4) сильный удар
5) вызывающее поведение
6) помои
2. гл.
1) плескать(ся)
2) шумно двигаться, ударять с силой
3) бахвалиться, важничать, чваниться Syn : put on airs, give oneself airs, bluster
2. , swagger
2. плеск прибой отмель помои вызывающее поведение узкий пролив между банками или между банкой и берегом плескать;
расплескивать плескаться;
расплескиваться вести себя вызывающе лязгать swash важничать, бахвалиться ~ отмель ~ плеск ~ плескать(ся) ~ прибой, сильное течение ~ сильный удар ~ ударять с силой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую


Смотреть что такое "swash" в других словарях:

  • swash — swash·buck·le; swash·buck·ler; swash·buck·ler·ing; swash·buck·ling; swash; swash·er; …   English syllables

  • Swash — Swash, n. [Cf. {Swash}, v. i., {Squash}, v. t.] (Arch.) An oval figure, whose moldings are oblique to the axis of the work. Moxon. [1913 Webster] {Swash plate} (Mach.), a revolving circular plate, set obliquely on its shaft, and acting as a cam… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Swash — Swash, a. [Cf. {Swash}, v. i., {Squash}, v. t.] Soft, like fruit too ripe; swashy. [Prov. Eng.] Pegge. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Swash — (uprush and backwash), in geography, is the water that washes up on shore after an incoming wave has broken. This action will cause sand and other light particles to be transported up the beach. The direction of the swash varies with the… …   Wikipedia

  • swash|y — «SWOSH ee, SWSH », adjective, swash|i|er, swash|i|est. soft and watery; splashy: »Bulldozers cleared the course in fine style for the reopening last Friday, but…the footing was still a little swashy (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Swash — Swash, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Swashed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Swashing}.] [Probably of imitative origin; cf. Sw. svasska to splash, and, for sense 3, Sw. svassa to bully, to rodomontade.] 1. To dash or flow noisily, as water; to splash; as, water… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Swash — Swash, n. 1. Impulse of water flowing with violence; a dashing or splashing of water. [1913 Webster] 2. A narrow sound or channel of water lying within a sand bank, or between a sand bank and the shore, or a bar over which the sea washes. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • swash — [swäsh, swôsh] vi. [echoic] 1. to dash, strike, wash, etc. with a splashing sound; splash 2. to swagger or bluster vt. to splash (a liquid), as in a container n. 1. a body of swift, dashing water; specif., a channel cutting through or behind a… …   English World dictionary

  • swash — 1530s, the fall of a heavy body or blow, possibly from WASH (Cf. wash) with an intensifying s . It also meant pig wash, filth, wet refuse (1520s) and may have been imitative of the sound of water dashing against solid objects. The meaning a body… …   Etymology dictionary

  • swash|er — «SWOSH uhr, SWSH », noun. = swashbuckler. (Cf. ↑swashbuckler) …   Useful english dictionary

  • swash — /swosh, swawsh/, v.i. 1. to splash, as things in water, or as water does: Waves were swashing against the piers. 2. to dash around, as things in violent motion. 3. to swagger. v.t. 4. to dash or cast violently, esp. to dash (water or other… …   Universalium

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