swanky — 1842, from SWANK (Cf. swank) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
swanky — ► ADJECTIVE (swankier, swankiest) informal 1) stylishly luxurious and expensive. 2) inclined to show off … English terms dictionary
swanky — [swaŋ′kē] adj. swankier, swankiest [ SWANK1 + Y3] Informal ostentatiously stylish; expensive and showy swankily adv. swankiness n … English World dictionary
swanky — UK [ˈswæŋkɪ] / US adjective Word forms swanky : adjective swanky comparative swankier superlative swankiest informal fashionable and expensive a swanky restaurant/hotel/car … English dictionary
swanky — [[t]swæ̱ŋki[/t]] swankier, swankiest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe something as swanky, you mean that it is fashionable and expensive. [INFORMAL] ...one of the swanky hotels that line the Pacific shore at Acapulco. Syn: ritzy … English dictionary
swanky — [“swaerjki] mod. classy; ritzy. □ What a swanky joint! □ This place is too swanky. I like to eat where I can pronounce the names of the food … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Swanky — Swankie Swank ie, Swanky Swank y, n. [Cf. G. schwank flexible, pliant.] An active and clever young fellow. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
swanky — swank|y [ˈswæŋki] adj informal [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: swank to behave showily and boastfully (19 21 centuries), perhaps from Middle High German swanken to move unsteadily from one side to another ] very fashionable and expensive ▪ eating meals … Dictionary of contemporary English
swanky — adj Luxurious. They spent the night in a swanky hotel with a ritzy restaurant on the top floor. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang
swanky — adjective informal 1 very fashionable or expensive; posh: a really swanky reception 2 especially BrE tending to act too confidently to get attention … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
swanky — /ˈswæŋki/ (say swangkee) adjective (swankier, swankiest) Colloquial 1. conceited; boastful. 2. expensive; smart; luxurious: *as soon as you ve got things going really well again, then naturally you ll want a proper office, a really swanky one… …