Смотреть что такое "susurration" в других словарях:
susurration — [ sysyrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1797; « médisance » h. XVIe; bas lat. susurratio ♦ Rare Bruit de ce qui susurre. « la susurration des mouches se confondait avec le battement de ses artères » (Flaubert). ⇒SUSURRATION, subst. fém. Littér. Bruit léger,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Susurration — Su sur*ra tion, n. [L. susurratio, fr. susurrare to whisper: cf. F. susurration.] A whispering; a soft murmur. Soft susurrations of the trees. Howell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
susurration — whisper, murmur, c.1400, from L. susurrationem (nom. susurratio), from pp. of susurrare, from susurrus murmur, whisper, a reduplication of the PIE imitative base *swer (Cf. Skt. svarati sounds, resounds, Gk. syrinx flute, L. surdus dull, mute,… … Etymology dictionary
susurration — (su zu rra sion) s. f. Bruit léger d une personne qui parle à voix basse. • N ayez pas peur, Cynthie ; ce n est que la susurration des roseaux inclinés par votre passage dans leur forêt mobile, CHATEAUBR. dans le Dict. de DOCHEZ.. HISTORIQUE… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
susurration — /sooh seuh ray sheuhn/, n. a soft murmur; whisper. [1350 1400; ME < LL susurration (s. of susurratio), equiv. to susurrat(us) (ptp. of susurrare; see SUSURRUS, ATE1) + ion ION] * * * … Universalium
susurration — noun a low, indistinct continuous whispering sound; a murmur The rain was now falling more steadily, with a low, monotonous susurration, interrupted at long intervals by the sudden slashing of the boughs of the trees as the wind rose and failed … Wiktionary
susurration — noun Date: 14th century a whispering sound ; murmur … New Collegiate Dictionary
susurration — Synonyms and related words: aspiration, bated breath, breath, breathy voice, drone, droning, exhalation, gabble, gibber, gibbering, jabber, jibber, little voice, low voice, maundering, mouthing, mumble, mumbling, murmur, murmuration, murmuring,… … Moby Thesaurus
susurration — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A low, indistinct, and often continuous sound: mumble, murmur, sigh, sough, susurrus, whisper. See SOUNDS … English dictionary for students
susurration — [ˌsu:sʌ reɪʃ(ə)n] (also susurrus su: sʌrəs) noun literary whispering or rustling. Origin ME: from late L. susurratio(n ), from L. susurrare to murmur, hum … English new terms dictionary
susurration — su·sur·ra·tion … English syllables