Смотреть что такое "suspenders" в других словарях:
Suspenders — or Galluses, known as Braces in British English, are fabric or leather straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers. Straps may be elasticated, either entirely or only at attachment ends, with most of the straps being of woven cloth with… … Wikipedia
suspenders — [sə spen′dərz] pl.n. 1. a pair of straps or bands passed over the shoulders to hold up trousers or a skirt 2. Brit. garters for holding up stockings * * * … Universalium
suspenders — [sə spen′dərz] pl.n. 1. a pair of straps or bands passed over the shoulders to hold up trousers or a skirt 2. Brit. garters for holding up stockings … English World dictionary
suspenders — n. (AE; BE has braces) a pair of suspenders (that hold up trousers) * * * (AE; BE has braces) a pair of suspenders (that hold up trousers) … Combinatory dictionary
suspenders — n Chiefly Dial. galluses, Brit. braces, Brit. sock suspenders, garters; support … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
suspenders — noun a) A pair of straps crossing ones shoulders and extending down to ones trousers, where a clip or button arrangement allows them to affix to the trousers, ensuring that they will not fall off. Braces. b) Small straps, attached to a suspender… … Wiktionary
suspenders — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pl. braces, garters, elastics, galluses. See pendency. II (Roget s IV) pl.n. Syn. braces, straps, shoulder straps, garters; see brace 1 . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. garters, braces, galluses … English dictionary for students
suspenders — n. pair of straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers sus pend·er || sÉ™ spendɪdÉ™(r) n. one of two straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers … English contemporary dictionary
suspenders — N. Amer. a pair of braces for holding up trousers. → suspender … English new terms dictionary
suspenders — n. pl. Braces, gallowses … New dictionary of synonyms
suspenders — [səˈspendəz] noun [plural] 1) British a piece of clothing that holds STOCKINGS up 2) American BRACES for keeping trousers up … Dictionary for writing and speaking English