survey stake
Смотреть что такое "survey stake" в других словарях:
survey — [n] scrutiny, examination analysis, aperçu, audit, check, compendium, critique, digest, inquiry, inspection, outline, overview, pandect, perlustration, perusal, précis, review, sample, scan, sketch, study, syllabus, view; concepts… … New thesaurus
stake-out — a police trap where a crime is anticipated There has been a previous survey of the location: ... he was running a stake out... over in the meat packing department, (van Lustbaden, 1983) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Survey stakes — Control of alignment and grade during construction is established through the use of survey stakes. Stakes are generally made of wood in different sizes. Based on the use of the stake they are called alignment stakes, offset stakes, grade stakes … Wikipedia
survey — v 1. appraise, take stock of, assess; take the measure of, size, size up, judge; ascertain, determine, figure, figure out; reckon, calculate, compute, estimate, Inf. check, Inf. check out. 2. scan, observe, scrutinize, regard, contemplate;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
stake — A deposit made to answer an event, as on a wager. Something deposited by two persons with the third on condition that it is to be delivered to the one who shall become entitled to it by the happening of a specified contingency. See also… … Black's law dictionary
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Brace Mountain — Mountain from southwest Elevation 2,311 ft (704 m) … Wikipedia
вiха — веха (вешка) stake, landmark, survey stake, peg or rod *Markscheidеrstock, Absteckpfahl, Absteckstange, Fluchtstab 1) Пряма дерев яна жердина або легка металiчна трубка довжиною 1,5 3 м з загостреним кiнцем для увiткнення в ґрунт.… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
вiшка — веха (вешка) stake, landmark, survey stake, peg or rod *Markscheidеrstock, Absteckpfahl, Absteckstange, Fluchtstab 1) Пряма дерев яна жердина або легка металiчна трубка довжиною 1,5 3 м з загостреним кiнцем для увiткнення в ґрунт.… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
Victory Square, Vancouver — NOTOC Victory Square is a park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The square is bordered by West Hastings Street to the northeast, West Pender Street to the southwest, Cambie Street to the southeast, and Hamilton Street to the northwest. The … Wikipedia
Веха — (a. landmark, survey stake, peg or rod; н. Markscheiderstock, Absteckpfahl, Absteckstange, Fluchtstab; ф. jalon, repere; и. jalon, estaca de referencia) плавучий штанговый заякоренный знак c фиксир. координатами местонахождения. B.… … Геологическая энциклопедия