survey design
Смотреть что такое "survey design" в других словарях:
survey — survey, social survey At first, a survey was any systematic collection of facts about a defined social group, and the term is still used in this way. The term survey is therefore not necessarily synonymous with ‘questionnaire survey’, since other … Dictionary of sociology
survey, social survey — At first, a survey was any systematic collection of facts about a defined social group, and the term is still used in this way. The term survey is therefore not necessarily synonymous with ‘questionnaire survey’, since other methods of data… … Dictionary of sociology
Design-focused evaluation — (DFE) is an approach to the evaluation of educational quality. In this approach the evaluation specifically focuses on the effectiveness of the constructive alignment in the course (subject, paper, unit) design. It was developed for use in the… … Wikipedia
Design rule checking — or Check(s) (DRC) is the area of Electronic Design Automation that determines whether the physical layout of a particular chip layout satisfies a series of recommended parameters called Design Rules. Design rule checking is a major step during… … Wikipedia
Design closure — is the process by which a VLSI design is modified from its initial description to meet a growing list of design constraints and objectives. Every step in the IC design (such as static timing analysis, placement, routing, and so on) is already… … Wikipedia
Design for testing — Design for Test (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and… … Wikipedia
Design Research (store) — Design Research or D/R was an innovative retail store founded in 1953 by Ben Thompson in Cambridge, Massachusetts; later it became a chain of a dozen stores across the United States; it went bankrupt in 1978. Thompson s goal was to provide a… … Wikipedia
Survey — Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Survey of dogs — Survey Sur vey, n. [Formerly accentuated universally on the last syllable, and still so accented by many speakers.] 1. The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. [1913 Webster] Under his proud survey the city lies. Sir J. Denham. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Design For Test — (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and apply… … Wikipedia
Design flow (EDA) — Design flows are the explicit combination of electronic design automation tools to accomplish the design of an integrated circuit. Moore s law has driven the entire IC implementation RTL to GDSII design flows from one which uses primarily… … Wikipedia