survey cable

survey cable
каротажный кабель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "survey cable" в других словарях:

  • Hydrographic survey — Private Survey Ship Neptune Hydrographic survey is the science of measurement and description of features which affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore oil exploration/drilling and related disciplines. Strong emphasis… …   Wikipedia

  • Wellington Cable Car — The Wellington Cable Car is a funicular railway in Wellington, New Zealand. It carries passengers between Lambton Quay, the main shopping street, and Kelburn, a suburb in the hills overlooking the central city, rising 120 m over a length of 612 m …   Wikipedia

  • Transatlantic telegraph cable — The first transatlantic telegraph cable crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Foilhommerum, Valentia Island, in western Ireland to Heart s Content, in eastern Newfoundland. The transatlantic cable bridged North America and Europe, and expedited… …   Wikipedia

  • Extreme Ice Survey — The Extreme Ice Survey documents rapid changes on glaciers across the Northern Hemisphere. It is the most wide ranging glacier study ever conducted using ground based, real time photography. The Extreme Ice Survey uses time lapse photography,… …   Wikipedia

  • Range of cable — Range Range, n. [From {Range}, v.: cf. F. rang[ e]e.] 1. A series of things in a line; a row; a rank; as, a range of buildings; a range of mountains. [1913 Webster] 2. An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree; an order; a class. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mildred Cable — Alice Mildred Cable Born February 21, 1878 Guildford, England Died April 30, 1952 Dorset, England Alice Mildred Cable 蓋群英 (21 February 1878 30 April 1952) was born in Guildford, she was a British Protestant Christian missionary in China, serving… …   Wikipedia

  • Alice Mildred Cable — 蓋群英 (21 February 1878 30 April, 1952) was born in Guildford, she was a British Protestant Christian missionary in China. She served with the China Inland Mission.After over 20 years of missionary service in Huozhou, Shanxi, when they were… …   Wikipedia

  • Pipe Pacific Cable — (PPC 1) is a yet to be commissioned submarine cable network, currently under construction for Australia s PIPE Networks.It promises huge international backhaul cost savings to Australian customers, for access to the US internet backbone [… …   Wikipedia

  • Mendelsohn Affluent Survey — The Mendelsohn Affluent Survey is a survey of the media habits and lifestyles of the affluent population of the United States and is conducted annually by Mendelsohn Media Research Inc., a subsidiary of Monroe Mendelsohn Research, Inc.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed Survey Meter — The Fixed Survey Meter was a specialist detection instrument used by the Royal Observer Corps during the Cold War between 1958 and 1982 to detect ionising radiation from nuclear fallout generated by a ground burst. [… …   Wikipedia

  • каротажный кабель — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN hoist cablehoisting cablelogging cablesurvey cablewell logging cable …   Справочник технического переводчика

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