surveillance body

surveillance body
надзирательный орган Комитета торговых переговоров ГАТТ, созданный для контроля за соблюдением сторонами своих обязательств

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "surveillance body" в других словарях:

  • Surveillance — set of activities, except reassessment, to monitor the continued fulfillment by accredited conformity assessment bodies of requirements for accreditation (p. 3.18 ISO/ IEC 17011:2004). Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • surveillance — [n] close observation, following body mike*, bug*, bugging*, care, control, direction, eagle eye*, examination, eye, inspection, lookout, peeled eye*, scrutiny, spying, stakeout, superintendence, supervision, surveyance, tab*, tail*, tap*, track* …   New thesaurus

  • Surveillance — For other uses, see Surveillance (disambiguation). A nest of surveillance cameras at the Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts Surveillance ( …   Wikipedia

  • Surveillance court — In Italy, the Surveillance Magistracy (Magistratura di Sorveglianza) is a distinct branch of the Italian judiciary, with a specialized competence over the supervision of detainees and prisons. It has the task of supervising the enforcement of… …   Wikipedia

  • NSA warrantless surveillance controversy — For the related controversy about data mining of domestic call records see NSA call database. National Security Agency logo The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy (AKA Warrantless Wiretapping ) concerns surveillance of persons within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Congressional response to the NSA warrantless surveillance program — Congressional inquiries and investigations Three days after news broke about the Terrorist Surveillance Program, a bipartisan group of Senators Democrats Dianne Feinstein of California, Carl Levin of Michigan, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Republicans… …   Wikipedia

  • Mass surveillance — A closed circuit television camera. Mass surveillance is the pervasive surveillance of an entire population, or a substantial fraction thereof. Modern governments today commonly perform mass surveillance of their citizens, explaining that they… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Space Surveillance Network — Space surveillance is a critical part of United States Strategic Command s (USSTRATCOM) mission and involves detecting, tracking, cataloging and identifying man made objects orbiting Earth, i.e. active/inactive satellites, spent rocket bodies, or …   Wikipedia

  • Workplace health surveillance — The concept of workplace health surveillance is new to occupational health and is frequently confused with medical screening. However, the terms are being used interchangeably by many but there are a few basic differences in both. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Postmarketing surveillance — is the practice of monitoring a pharmeceutical drug or device after it has been released on the market. Since drugs are approved on the basis of clinical trials which involve relatively small numbers of people who have been controlled for this… …   Wikipedia

  • Full body scanner — Backscatter x ray image of TSA Security Laboratory Director Susan Hallowell. A full body scanner is a device that creates an image of a person s nude body through their clothing to look for hidden objects without physically removing their clothes …   Wikipedia

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