surrogate parent
Смотреть что такое "surrogate parent" в других словарях:
surrogate parent — n. A person other than a child’s parent who assumes parental responsibilities toward that child; an advocate appointed for a child by a juvenile court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… … Law dictionary
surrogate parent — noun a person who takes care of a child when the normal parents are unavailable see also foster parent … Wiktionary
surrogate parent — A person other than a parent who stands in loco parentis to the child by virtue of his or her voluntary assumption of parental rights and responsibilities. The person appointed by a juvenile court as a child s advocate in the educational decision … Black's law dictionary
parent — The lawful father or mother of a person. In common and ordinary usage the word comprehends much more than mere fact of who was responsible for child s conception and birth and is commonly understood to describe and refer to person or persons who… … Black's law dictionary
surrogate father — noun a) a man who take care of a child when one or more of the parents are unavailable (see also surrogate parent, foster parents) b) a man who acts as a father figure to a child usually when a father is not in the picture … Wiktionary
surrogate — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun VERB + SURROGATE ▪ act as, be, become ▪ use SURROGATE + NOUN ▪ father, mother, parent … Collocations dictionary
Parent — A parent is a father or mother; one who sires or gives birth to and/or nurtures and raises an offspring. The different role of parents varies throughout the tree of life, and is especially complex in human culture. Mother A mother is the… … Wikipedia
surrogate — 1. A person who functions in another s life as a substitute for some third person such as a relative who assumes the nurturing and other responsibilities of the absent parent. 2. A person who reminds one of another person so that one uses the… … Medical dictionary
surrogate mother — noun a woman who bears a child for a couple where the wife is unable to do so a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father s semen and carries the fetus to term • Hypernyms: ↑mother, ↑female parent * * * noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] … Useful english dictionary
parent — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ married, unmarried ▪ divorced ▪ lone (BrE), single ▪ single parent families ▪ … Collocations dictionary
surrogate — sur·ro·gate || sÉœrÉ™geɪt / sÊŒrÉ™ , gÉ™t n. substitute; surrogate mother, woman who voluntarily carries a fetus for another woman; judge who has jurisdiction over the settlement of wills and estates (in certain states of the USA) v.… … English contemporary dictionary