surrogate constraint

surrogate constraint
мат. замещенное ограничение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "surrogate constraint" в других словарях:

  • Surrogate model — Most engineering design problems require experiments and/or simulations to evaluate design objective and constraint functions as function of design variables. For example, in order to find the optimal airfoil shape for an aircraft wing, an… …   Wikipedia

  • Unique key — In relational database design, a unique key can uniquely identify each row in a table, and is closely related to the Superkey concept. A unique key comprises a single column or a set of columns. No two distinct rows in a table can have the same… …   Wikipedia

  • Relational database — A visual diagram showing the relationship between the two tables, as indicated by the arrow A relational database matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set. The resulting groups of data uses the relational model (a… …   Wikipedia

  • Extract, transform, load — Extract, transform and load (ETL) is a process in database usage and especially in data warehousing that involves: Extracting data from outside sources Transforming it to fit operational needs (which can include quality levels) Loading it into… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural key — In relational model database design, a natural key is a candidate key that has a logical relationship to the attributes within that row. A natural key is sometimes called a domain key. The main advantage of a natural key over a surrogate key,… …   Wikipedia

  • Database normalization — In the design of a relational database management system (RDBMS), the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization. The goal of database normalization is to decompose relations with anomalies in order to produce… …   Wikipedia

  • ACID — For other uses, see Acid (disambiguation). In computer science, ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) is a set of properties that guarantee database transactions are processed reliably. In the context of databases, a single logical …   Wikipedia

  • List of numerical analysis topics — This is a list of numerical analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 General 2 Error 3 Elementary and special functions 4 Numerical linear algebra …   Wikipedia

  • Multidisciplinary design optimization — Multi disciplinary design optimization (MDO) is a field of engineering that uses optimization methods to solve design problems incorporating a number of disciplines. As defined by Prof. Carlo Poloni, MDO is the art of finding the best compromise …   Wikipedia

  • Slowly changing dimension — Dimension is a term in data management and data warehousing that refers to logical groupings of data such as geographical location, customer information, or product information. Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) are dimensions that have data that… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Definition Language — A data definition language or data description language (DDL) is a syntax similar to a computer programming language for defining data structures, especially database schemas. Contents 1 History 2 SQL 2.1 CREATE statements …   Wikipedia

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