Смотреть что такое "surplice" в других словарях:
Surplice — • A large sleeved tunic of half length, made of fine linen or cotton, and worn by all the clergy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Surplice Surplice … Catholic encyclopedia
Surplice — Sur plice, n. [F. surplis, OF. surpeiz, LL. superpellicium; super over + pellicium, pelliceum, a robe of fur, L. pellicius made of skins. See {Pelisse}.] (Eccl.) A white garment worn over another dress by the clergy of the Roman Catholic,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
surplice — loose white robe, late 13c., from O.Fr. surpeliz, from M.L. superpellicium a surplice, lit. an over fur garment, from L. super over (see SUPER (Cf. super )) + M.L. pellicium fur garment, tunic of skins, from L. pellis skin (see FILM … Etymology dictionary
surplice — ► NOUN ▪ a loose white linen robe worn over a cassock by clergy and choristers at Christian church services. ORIGIN Old French sourpelis, from Latin super above + pellicia fur garment … English terms dictionary
surplice — [sʉr′plis] n. [ME surplis < Anglo Fr surpliz < OFr < ML superpelliceum < L super , above (see SUPER ) + pelliceum, fur robe, neut. of L pelliceus, made of skins < pellis, skin (see FELL4)] a loose, white, wide sleeved outer… … English World dictionary
Surplice — A surplice (Late Latin superpelliceum , from super , over and pellis , fur ) is a liturgical vestment of the Western Christian Church. The surplice has the form of a tunic of white linen or cotton material, reaching to the knee or to the ankles,… … Wikipedia
surplice — surpliced, adj. /serr plis/, n. 1. a loose fitting, broad sleeved white vestment, worn over the cassock by clergy and choristers. 2. a garment in which the two halves of the front cross diagonally. [1250 1300; ME surplis < AF surpliz, syncopated… … Universalium
surplice — I. noun Etymology: Middle English surplis, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin superpellicium, from super + pellicium coat of skins, from Latin, neuter of pellicius made of skins, from pellis skin more at fell Date: 13th century a loose white… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Surplice — This is a rare name which in its various spellings has been found in North America since the early days of independence. It s origin is French and derives from Surplice, the gown of a priest and refers to one who manufactured such a garment or is … Surnames reference
surplice — UK [ˈsɜː(r)plɪs] / US [ˈsɜrplɪs] noun [countable] Word forms surplice : singular surplice plural surplices a loose white piece of clothing, worn over other clothes by priests, church singers, and people who help during ceremonies … English dictionary
surplice — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)plɪs[/t]] surplices N COUNT A surplice is a loose white knee length garment which is worn over a longer garment by priests and members of the choir in some churches. ...the priest and choir in their lace surplices … English dictionary