- surface-man
- ˈsə:fɪsmən сущ.
1) ж.-д. путевой рабочий
2) горн. рабочий на поверхности n ж .- д . путевой сторож, обходчик
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Man Enters the Cosmos — Man Enters the Cosmos … Wikipedia
Man-of-war's man — Man of war Man of war , n; pl. {Men of war}. 1. A government vessel employed for the purposes of war, esp. one of large size; a ship of war. [WordNet sense 1] Syn: ship of the line. [1913 Webster] 2. The {Portuguese man of war}. Syn: Syn. ,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Man-of-war — n; pl. {Men of war}. 1. A government vessel employed for the purposes of war, esp. one of large size; a ship of war. [WordNet sense 1] Syn: ship of the line. [1913 Webster] 2. The {Portuguese man of war}. Syn: Syn. , jellyfish. [WordNet 1.5] {Ma … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Man-of-war hawk — Man of war Man of war , n; pl. {Men of war}. 1. A government vessel employed for the purposes of war, esp. one of large size; a ship of war. [WordNet sense 1] Syn: ship of the line. [1913 Webster] 2. The {Portuguese man of war}. Syn: Syn. ,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Man Conquers Space — Teaser poster Directed by David Sander Written by … Wikipedia
man´i|fold´ness — man|i|fold «MAN uh fohld», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. of many kinds; many and various: »manifold duties. Attractions manifold (Wordsworth). SYNONYM(S): varied. 2. having many parts, features, or forms: »the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians… … Useful english dictionary
man´i|fold´ly — man|i|fold «MAN uh fohld», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. of many kinds; many and various: »manifold duties. Attractions manifold (Wordsworth). SYNONYM(S): varied. 2. having many parts, features, or forms: »the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians… … Useful english dictionary
man|i|fold — «MAN uh fohld», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. of many kinds; many and various: »manifold duties. Attractions manifold (Wordsworth). SYNONYM(S): varied. 2. having many parts, features, or forms: »the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:10); a… … Useful english dictionary
man in the moon, the — noun an imaginary person whose face some people think they see on the surface of the Moon when it is full … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Man-portable air-defense systems — An SA 7 in use Man portable air defense systems (MANPADS or MPADS) are shoulder launched surface to air missiles (SAMs). They are typically guided weapons and are a threat to low flying aircraft, especially helicopters. Contents … Wikipedia
Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future — Cover Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future (1990) is a speculative book written by Scottish geologist Dougal Dixon and illustrated by Philip Hood. The theme of the book is a science fiction body horror exploration of the possibilities of… … Wikipedia