surface vessel
Смотреть что такое "surface vessel" в других словарях:
surface-vessel — surˈface vessel noun • • • Main Entry: ↑surface … Useful english dictionary
Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes — Personnel from USS Porter loading a recoverable training torpedo into the top tube of a Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes set The Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes (Mk 32 SVTT) system[1] is a torpedo launching system designed for the … Wikipedia
air-to-surface vessel radar — antvandeninių objektų aptikimo orlaivio radaras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. air to surface vessel radar vok. Flugzeugradar für Abtastung der Meeresoberflache, n rus. самолётная радиолокационная станция обнаружения… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Vessel monitoring system — Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) are used in commercial fishing to allow environmental and fisheries regulatory organizations to monitor, minimally, the position, time at a position, and course and speed of fishing vessels. They are a key part of… … Wikipedia
Surface supplied diving — (also known as Hooka diving) refers to divers using equipment supplied with breathing gas using an umbilical cord from the surface, often from a diving support vessel but possibly, indirectly via a diving chamber.cite journal |author=Gernhardt,… … Wikipedia
surface-to-air — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a missile) designed to be fired from the ground or a vessel at an aircraft … English terms dictionary
Surface effect ship — A Surface Effect Ship (SES) or Sidewall Hovercraft, is a watercraft or vessel that has both an air cushion, like a hovercraft, and twin hulls, like a catamaran. When the air cushion is in use, a small portion of the twin hulls remain in the water … Wikipedia
vessel — 01. The American fleet lost 2 small [vessels] in the maritime battle. 02. A [vessel] containing over 50 illegal Chinese migrants has been discovered off the waters of Washington State this morning. 03. Active Pass is often full of sailboats and… … Grammatical examples in English
Surface Warfare insignia — The Surface Warfare Insignia is a military badge of the United States Navy which is issued to those Naval personnel who are trained and qualified to perform duties aboard United States surface warships. The Surface Warfare Pin was first proposed… … Wikipedia
surface-to-surface — adjective (of a missile) designed to be fired from one point on the ground or a vessel at another such point or vessel … English new terms dictionary
Surface of flotation — Flotation Flo*ta tion, n. [Cf. F. flottation a floating, flottaison water line, fr. flotter to float. See {Flotilla}.] 1. The act, process, or state of floating. [1913 Webster] 2. The science of floating bodies. [1913 Webster] 3. (Com. & Finance) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English