surface area of structure
Смотреть что такое "surface area of structure" в других словарях:
Accessible surface area — Illustration of the solvent accessible surface in comparison to the van der Waals surface. The van der Waals surface as given by the atomic radii is shown in red. The accessible surface is drawn with dashed lines and is created by tracing the… … Wikipedia
Surface charge — is the electric charge present at an interface, for instance on the surface of a semiconductor material, or for example, on the surface of a protein in water.There are multiple factors generating surface charge. First of all, surface charge… … Wikipedia
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command — US Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Surface Deployment and Distribution Command shoulder sleeve insignia Active … Wikipedia
Structure of the Imperial Japanese forces in the South Pacific Mandate — Structure of the Japanese Forces in South Pacific MandateJapanese garrisons on the by passed Pacific Islands 1944 ndash;1945, included South Pacific Mandate Force and nearest islands in period.South Pacific Mandate DetachmentCommander in chief of … Wikipedia
Structure of the United States Armed Forces — The structure of the United States armed forces is a chain of command leading from the President (as commander in chief) to the newest recruits. The United States armed forces are organized through the United States Department of Defense, which… … Wikipedia
Surface — This article discusses surfaces from the point of view of topology. For other uses, see Differential geometry of surfaces, algebraic surface, and Surface (disambiguation). An open surface with X , Y , and Z contours shown. In mathematics,… … Wikipedia
surface coating — ▪ chemistry Introduction any mixture of film forming materials plus pigments, solvents, and other additives, which, when applied to a surface and cured or dried, yields a thin film that is functional and often decorative. Surface coatings… … Universalium
surface — surfaceless, adj. surfacer, n. /serr fis/, n., adj., v., surfaced, surfacing. n. 1. the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing; outermost or uppermost layer or area. 2. any face of a body or thing: the six surfaces of a cube. 3.… … Universalium
Structure factor — In physics, in the area of crystallography, the structure factor of a crystal is a mathematical description of how the crystal scatters incident radiation. The structure factor is a particularly useful tool in the interpretation of interference… … Wikipedia
area — 1. [TA] Any circumscribed surface or space. 2. All of the part supplied by a given artery or nerve. 3. A part of an organ having a special function, as the motor a. of the brain. SEE ALSO … Medical dictionary
surface — sur•face [[t]ˈsɜr fɪs[/t]] n. adj. v. faced, fac•ing 1) the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing; outermost or uppermost layer or area 2) any face of a body or thing: the six surfaces of a cube[/ex] 3) extent or area of outer… … From formal English to slang