sure card
Смотреть что такое "sure card" в других словарях:
sure card — Someone who is wide awake • • • Main Entry: ↑card … Useful english dictionary
sure card — something that is certain to bring the desired results … English contemporary dictionary
card — 1. n. & v. n. 1 thick stiff paper or thin pasteboard. 2 a a flat piece of this, esp. for writing or printing on. b = POSTCARD. c a card used to send greetings, issue an invitation, etc. (birthday card). d = visiting card. e = business card. f a… … Useful english dictionary
card — {{11}}card (n.) c.1400, from M.Fr. carte (14c.), from L. charta leaf of paper, tablet, from Gk. khartes layer of papyrus, probably from Egyptian. Form influenced after 14c. by It. carta (see CHART (Cf. chart)). Sense of playing cards is oldest in … Etymology dictionary
sure thing — Synonyms and related words: OK, Roger, absolutely, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, as you say, assuredly, aye, best bet, by all means, certainly, certainty, cinch, da, dead sure thing, exactly, favorable prospect, fine, good, good chance,… … Moby Thesaurus
Card stacking — is a propaganda technique that seeks to manipulate audience perception of an issue by emphasizing one side and repressing another, for example by creating media events that emphasize a certain view, by using one sided testimonial, or by making… … Wikipedia
Card not present transaction — A card not present transaction (CNP) is a credit card purchase made over the telephone or over the Internet where the physical card has not been swiped into a reader. It is a major route for credit card fraud. If a fraudulent transaction is… … Wikipedia
card — card1 /kahrd/, n. 1. a usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, thin pasteboard, or plastic for various uses, as to write information on or printed as a means of identifying the holder: a 3 × 5 file card; a membership card. 2. one of a set of… … Universalium
card — I. /kad / (say kahd) noun 1. a piece of stiff paper or thin pasteboard, usually rectangular, for various uses: a business card. 2. → postcard. 3. a piece of cardboard with more or less elaborate ornamentation, bearing a complimentary greeting: a… …
sure enough — Synonyms and related words: absolute, actual, apodictic, ascertained, attested, authentic, authenticated, bona fide, bound, candid, card carrying, categorically true, certain, certified, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, conclusive,… … Moby Thesaurus
card carrying — Synonyms and related words: authentic, bona fide, candid, dinkum, following the letter, genuine, good, honest, honest to God, inartificial, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, literal, natural, naturalistic, original, pure, real, realistic, rightful,… … Moby Thesaurus