Смотреть что такое "supremely" в других словарях:
Supremely — Su*preme ly, adv. In a supreme manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supremely — index particularly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
supremely — su|preme|ly [ su primli ] adverb extremely or to the highest possible degree: a supremely gifted student a. often used for emphasizing negative qualities: a supremely selfish individual … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
supremely — UK [sʊˈpriːmlɪ] / US [sʊˈprɪmlɪ] adverb a) extremely, or to the highest possible degree a supremely gifted student b) often used for emphasizing negative qualities a supremely selfish individual … English dictionary
supremely — adverb To the greatest, highest, or utmost degree. They were supremely confident at the beginning of the season … Wiktionary
supremely — adv. Supremely is used with these adjectives: ↑beautiful, ↑confident, ↑elegant, ↑gifted, ↑important, ↑indifferent, ↑talented … Collocations dictionary
supremely — su|preme|ly [su:ˈpri:mli, sju: , sə US su , su: ] adv [+ adjective/adverb] extremely or to the greatest possible degree ▪ a supremely talented player … Dictionary of contemporary English
supremely — adverb (+ adj/adv) extremely or to the greatest possible degree: a supremely talented player … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
supremely — supreme ► ADJECTIVE 1) highest in authority or rank. 2) very great or greatest; most important. ► NOUN (also suprême) ▪ a rich cream sauce or a dish served in this. DERIVATIVES supremely adverb. ORIGIN Lati … English terms dictionary
supremely — adverb to the maximum degree (Freq. 1) he was supremely confident • Derived from adjective: ↑supreme … Useful english dictionary
supremely — adverb see supreme … New Collegiate Dictionary