Смотреть что такое "supratrochlear" в других словарях:
Supratrochlear — Su pra*troch le*ar, a. (Anat.) Situated over or above a trochlea or trochlear surface; applied esp. to one of the subdivisions of the trigeminal nerve. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supratrochlear nerve — n a branch of the frontal nerve supplying the skin of the forehead and the upper eyelid * * * nervus supratrochlearis … Medical dictionary
Supratrochlear nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = nervus supratrochlearis GraySubject = 200 GrayPage = 888 Caption = Sensory areas of the head, showing the general distribution of the three divisions of the fifth nerve. (Supratrochlear nerve labeled at upper … Wikipedia
Supratrochlear artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria supratrochlearis, arteria frontalis GraySubject = 146 GrayPage = 570 Caption = The ophthalmic artery and its branches. (Supratrochlear artery labeled at center top.) Caption2 = The arteries of the… … Wikipedia
Supratrochlear foramen — The supratrochlear foramen is a small hole located above the trochlea of the humerus of larger dog species. It is covered by a layer of connective tissue.It is not currently recognized with a Terminologia Anatomica name in human anatomy, , but… … Wikipedia
Supratrochlear lymph nodes — Infobox Lymph Name = PAGENAME Latin = nodi lymphoidei supratrochleares GraySubject = 178 GrayPage = 699 Caption = The superficial lymph glands and lymphatic vessels of the upper extremity.(Supratrochlear gland labeled at bottom center.) Caption2 … Wikipedia
supratrochlear — Above a trochlea, denoting a nerve. * * * su·pra·troch·le·ar (soo″prə trokґle ər) superior to a trochlea … Medical dictionary
supratrochlear — su|pra|troch|lea̱r, in fachspr. Fügungen: su|pra|troch|lea̱|ris, [zu ↑supra... u. ↑Trochlea]: oberhalb der ↑Trochlea liegend; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Nervus supratrochlearis (Anat.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
supratrochlear — su·pra·trochlear … English syllables
supratrochlear artery — su·pra·troch·le·ar artery .träk lē ər n one of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery that ascends upon the forehead from the inner angle of the orbit called also frontal artery * * * arteria supratrochlearis … Medical dictionary
supratrochlear depression — a slight depression on the anterior surface of the femur, above the trochlea … Medical dictionary