- suprarenal
- прил.;
анат. надпочечный suprarenal gland cortex ≈ кора надпочечника (анатомия) надпочечный - * body /capsule, gland/ надпочечник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
suprarenal — SUPRARENÁL, Ă, suprarenali, e, adj. Care se află deasupra rinichilor. ♢ Glandă suprarenală (şi substantivat, f.) = fiecare dintre cele două glande endocrine care produc adrenalina, unii hormoni etc., situate deasupra rinichilor. ♦ Relativ la… … Dicționar Român
Suprarenal — Su pra*re nal, a. (Anat.) Situated above, or anterior to, the kidneys. n. A suprarenal capsule. [1913 Webster] {Suprarenal capsules} (Anat.), two small bodies of unknown function in front of, or near, the kidneys in most vertebrates. Also called… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Suprarenal — is an adjective that can refer to:* Adrenal gland * Suprarenal veins … Wikipedia
Suprarenal — (v. lat.), auf die Nebennieren sich beziehend; daher Suprarenalarterien, aus der Aorta, den phrenischen u. Nierenarterien entspringende, zu den Nebennieren gehende Pulsadern. Suprarenalnervengeflecht, aus Fäden des Nieren u. cöliacischen Plexus… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
suprarenal — [so͞o΄prərē′nəl] adj. [ModL suprarenalis: see SUPRA & RENAL] situated on or above the kidney; specif., designating or of an adrenal gland n. an adrenal gland … English World dictionary
suprarenal — 1. Above the kidney. SYN: surrenal. 2. Pertaining to the s. glands. [supra + L. ren, kidney] * * * su·pra·re·nal rēn əl adj situated above or anterior to the kidneys specif ADRENAL suprarenal n a suprarenal part … Medical dictionary
suprarenal — /suprəˈrinəl/ (say soohpruh reenuhl) adjective 1. situated above or on the kidney. 2. relating to or connected with a suprarenal. –noun 3. a suprarenal body, capsule, or gland …
suprarenal — I. adjective Etymology: New Latin suprarenalis, from Latin supra + renes kidneys Date: 1828 situated above or anterior to the kidneys II. noun Date: 1841 a suprarenal part; especially adrenal gland … New Collegiate Dictionary
suprarenal — /sooh preuh reen l/, Anat. adj. 1. situated above or on the kidney. n. 2. a suprarenal part, esp. the adrenal gland. [1820 30; < NL suprarenalis. See SUPRA , RENAL] * * * … Universalium
suprarenal — su•pra•re•nal [[t]ˌsu prəˈrin l[/t]] adj. 1) anat. situated above or on the kidney 2) anat. a suprarenal part, esp. the adrenal gland • Etymology: 1820–30; < NL suprārēnālis. See supra , renal … From formal English to slang
suprarenal bodies — Suprarenal Su pra*re nal, a. (Anat.) Situated above, or anterior to, the kidneys. n. A suprarenal capsule. [1913 Webster] {Suprarenal capsules} (Anat.), two small bodies of unknown function in front of, or near, the kidneys in most vertebrates.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English