Смотреть что такое "supraorbital" в других словарях:
Supraorbital — can refer to:*Supraorbital artery *Supraorbital foramen *Supraorbital gland *Supraorbital nerve *Supraorbital ridge *Supraorbital vein … Wikipedia
Supraorbital — Su pra*or bit*al, Supraorbitar Su pra*or bit*ar, a. (Anat.) Situated above the orbit of the eye. [1913 Webster] {Supraorbital point} (Anat.), the middle point of the supraorbital line, which is a line drawn across the narrowest part of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supraorbital — SUPRAORBITÁL, Ă adj. Supraorbitar. [pron. pra or . / cf. it. sopraorbitale]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN SUPRAORBITÁL, Ă adj. (anat.) deasupra orbitei; supraorbital. (după fr. surorbitaire) … Dicționar Român
supraorbital — [so͞o΄prəôr′bit l] adj. Anat. situated above the orbit of the eye … English World dictionary
supraorbital foramen — n SUPRAORBITAL NOTCH * * * foramen supraorbitale [TA] a passage in the frontal bone for the supraorbital vessels and nerve, representing a supraorbital notch whose open side of fibrous tissue has changed to bone … Medical dictionary
Supraorbital point — Supraorbital Su pra*or bit*al, Supraorbitar Su pra*or bit*ar, a. (Anat.) Situated above the orbit of the eye. [1913 Webster] {Supraorbital point} (Anat.), the middle point of the supraorbital line, which is a line drawn across the narrowest part… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
supraorbital notch — n a notch or foramen in the bony border of the upper inner part of the orbit serving for the passage of the supraorbital nerve, artery, and vein * * * incisura supraorbitalis … Medical dictionary
supraorbital vein — n a vein that drains the supraorbital region and unites with the frontal vein to form the angular vein * * * vena supraorbitalis … Medical dictionary
supraorbital artery — n a branch of the ophthalmic artery supplying the orbit and parts of the forehead * * * arteria supraorbitalis … Medical dictionary
supraorbital fissure — n ORBITAL FISSURE (a) … Medical dictionary
supraorbital nerve — n a branch of the frontal nerve supplying the forehead, scalp, cranial periosteum, and adjacent parts * * * nervus supraorbitalis … Medical dictionary