
ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃən сущ. гипотеза, предположение to make a supposition ≈ выдвинуть гипотезу, сделать предположение I reject the supposition that she stole the money. ≈ Я категорически отвергаю предположение о том, что она украла деньги. предположение, гипотеза - on the * of smth. предполагая что-л. - on the * that... предположим, что... - it was a mere * это была лишь догадка - a newpaper article based on * газетная статья, основанная на домыслах - we mustn't comdemn him on mere * мы не должны осуждать его только на основании догадок - our *s were confirmed наши подозрения оправдались supposition предположение;
on the supposition (of smth.) предполагая (что-л.) , в ожидании (чего-л.) on this ~, on the ~ that... предположим, что... on this ~, on the ~ that... предположим, что... supposition предположение;
on the supposition (of smth.) предполагая (что-л.) , в ожидании (чего-л.) ~ предположение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "supposition" в других словарях:

  • supposition — [ sypozisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1370; « soumission » dr. 1291; lat. suppositio, de supponere → supposer I ♦ Action de supposer; ce qu on suppose (I). 1 ♦ Littér. Hypothèse de l esprit. « Un point géométrique est une supposition, une abstraction de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • supposition — Supposition. s. f. Proposition que l on suppose comme vraye ou comme possible, afin d en tirer ensuite quelque induction. Dans la supposition que vous faites, il faudroit que. il ne faut point faire de supposition de choses qui soient… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Supposition — Sup po*si tion, n. [F. supposition, L. suppositio a placing under, a substitution, fr. supponere, suppositium, to put under, to substitute. The word has the meaning corresponding to suppose. See {Sub }, and {Position}.] 1. The act of supposing,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Suppositĭon — (v. lat.), 1) Unterschiebung; 2) Voraussetzung, Vermuthung, Annahme. Daher Supposititĭus, untergeschoben. Supposititĭa, untergeschobene Dinge. Supposititĭi (nämlich gladiatores), solche Fechter, welche an die Stelle der Besiegten, der Ermüdeten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Supposition — (lat.), Annahme, Voraussetzung; Unterschiebung, z. B. eines Testaments, eines Kindes etc …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Supposition — (lat.), Unterschiebung; Voraussetzung, Annahme …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • supposition — I noun assumption, belief, conception, coniectura, conjecture, guess, hypothesis, likelihood, likeliness, opinio, opinion, position, postulate, premise, presumption, probability, speculation, supposal, surmise, suspicion, theorem, theory, thesis… …   Law dictionary

  • supposition — early 15c., a term in logic, from L.L. suppositionem (nom. suppositio) assumption, hypothesis, noun of action from pp. stem of supponere (see SUPPOSE (Cf. suppose)); influenced by Gk. hypothesis …   Etymology dictionary

  • supposition — [n] guess, belief apriorism, assumption, condition, conjecture, doubt, guessing, guesstimate*, guesswork, hunch, hypothesis, idea, likelihood, notion, opinion, posit, postulate, postulation, premise, presumption, presupposition, rough guess*,… …   New thesaurus

  • supposition — ► NOUN ▪ an assumption or hypothesis …   English terms dictionary

  • supposition — [sə pō′zəlsup΄ə zish′ən] n. [OFr < L suppositio < suppositus, pp. of supponere: see SUPPOSE] 1. the act of supposing 2. something supposed; assumption; hypothesis: Also supposal [sə pō′zəl] suppositional adj. suppositionally adv …   English World dictionary

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