- supply services
- ассигнования на содержание государственного аппарата и вооруженных сил (в английском бюджете)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Supply chain management — (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the operations of the supply chain as efficiently as possible. Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work in process inventory, and finished goods… … Wikipedia
Supply-Chain Operations Reference — model (SCOR(r)) is a process reference model developed by the management consulting firm PRTM and AMR Research and endorsed by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) as the cross industry de facto standard diagnostic tool for supply chain management.… … Wikipedia
supply and demand — UK US noun [uncountable] economics the relationship between how much of a particular product is available and how much of it people want, and especially the way that this affects the level of prices Thesaurus: economy and economicshyponym * * *… … Useful english dictionary
supply and demand — supˌply and deˈmand noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS the relationship between the amount of products and services that are for sale and the amount that people want to buy, especially in the way this affects prices: • the widening gap between supply… … Financial and business terms
Supply-side economics — is an arguably heterodox school of macroeconomic thought that argues that economic growth can be most effectively created using incentives for people to produce (supply) goods and services, such as adjusting income tax and capital gains tax rates … Wikipedia
Supply Officer — was a specialisation in the British Royal Navy which has recently been superseded by the Logistics Officer, although the function remains the same. In centuries past, the Supply Officer had been known as the Clerk, Bursar, Purser and, later, the… … Wikipedia
Supply Chain Event Management — (SCEM) ist ein Konzept zur Erreichung unternehmensübergreifender Transparenz logistischer Prozesse, das die rechtzeitige Reaktion auf kritische Ausnahmeereignisse ( Events ) in Lieferketten ermöglicht. [1][2][3] SCEM ist abzugrenzen vom reinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supply chain optimization — is the application of processes and tools to ensure the optimal operation of a manufacturing and distribution supply chain. This includes the optimal placement of inventory within the supply chain, minimizing operating costs (including… … Wikipedia
supply side — supˈply side adjective [only before a noun] ECONOMICS supply side economic ideas emphasize making the best use of capital. Supply side economists have persuaded many right wing governments to introduce lower taxes and to encourage saving,… … Financial and business terms
Supply-Chain Council — (SCC) is an independent non profit organization, as the cross industry standard for supply chain management. SCC has developed and endorsed the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, a process reference model for supply chain… … Wikipedia
supply price — ➔ price1 * * * supply price UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE the price at which a company agrees to supply particular goods or services at a particular time: »The supply price depends on the cost of raw materials … Financial and business terms