supply conduit
Смотреть что такое "supply conduit" в других словарях:
Conduit current collection — Abandoned conduit trackage at the Kingsway Tramway Subway in London Conduit current collection is a system of electric current collection used by electric trams, where the power supply is carried in a channel under the roadway, rather than… … Wikipedia
Conduit — A water course or channel (Job 38:25). The conduit of the upper pool (Isa. 7:3) was formed by Hezekiah for the purpose of conveying the waters from the upper pool in the valley of Gihon to the west side of the city of David (2 Kings 18:17;… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
conduit — /kon dwit, dooh it, dyooh it, dit/, n. 1. a pipe, tube, or the like, for conveying water or other fluid. 2. a similar natural passage. 3. Elect. a structure containing one or more ducts. 4. Archaic. a fountain. [1300 50; ME < AF, OF < ML… … Universalium
London water supply infrastructure — London s Water Supply Infrastructure has developed over the centuries in line with the expansion of London and now represents a sizeable infrastructure investment. For much of London s history, private companies supplied fresh water to various… … Wikipedia
The Great Conduit in Westcheap — At the eastern end of Cheapside in the parish of St. Mary Colechurch, opposite the Hospital of St. Thomas of Acons, or Mercers Chapel. Shown on Leake s map 1666. Earliest mention: Stow says it was begun to be made in 1285 (S. 17, 267,… … Dictionary of London
Ground-level power supply — 300px|thumb|right|A section of APS track showing the neutral sections at the end of the powered segments plus one of the insulating joint boxes whichmechanically and electrically join the APS rail segmentsGround level power supply, also known as… … Wikipedia
The Conduit — Developer(s) High Voltage Software Publisher(s) Sega … Wikipedia
Uninterruptible power supply — A small free standing UPS … Wikipedia
MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel — Official name MWWST Begins Marlborough Ends Weston Maintained by MWRA … Wikipedia
Water Supply of London — Until the 13th century the inhabitants of the City were dependent for their water supply on the natural wells and streams that existed in and about the City. These wells seem to have been very numerous, at least so far as the northern… … Dictionary of London
Susquehanna Conduit — The Susquehanna Conduit or Big Inch project is a 108 water supply line built in the early 1960 s, connecting the Deer Creek Pumping Station in Harford County, Maryland to Baltimore City. This pipeline runs about 38 miles, parallel to Interstate… … Wikipedia