Смотреть что такое "supinate" в других словарях:
supinate — 1831, from L. supinatus, pp. of supinare, from supinus (see SUPINE (Cf. supine)) … Etymology dictionary
supinate — [so͞o′pə nāt΄] vt., vi. supinated, supinating [< L supinatus, pp. of supinare, to lay backward < supinus,SUPINE] to rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm faces upward or forward: see PRONATE supination n … English World dictionary
supinate — 1. To assume, or to be placed in, a supine (face upward) position. 2. To perform supination of the forearm or of the foot. [L. supino, pp. atus, to bend backwards, place on back, fr. supinus, supine] * * * su·pi·nate sü pə .nāt vb, nat·ed; … Medical dictionary
supinate — verb ( nated; nating) Etymology: Latin supinatus, past participle of supinare to lay backward or on the back, from supinus Date: 1831 transitive verb to cause to undergo supination intransitive verb to undergo supination … New Collegiate Dictionary
supinate — /sooh peuh nayt /, v., supinated, supinating. v.t. 1. to turn to a supine position; rotate (the hand or foot) so that the palm or sole is upward. v.i. 2. to become supinated. [1825 35; < L supinatus (ptp. of supinare to lay face up). See SUPINE,… … Universalium
supinate — verb /ˈsuː.pəˌneɪt,ˈsjuː.pəˌneɪt,ˈsuː.pəˌneɪt/ a) To twist the forearm so as to turn the palm of the hand backwards if the forearm is pointing up, upwards if the forearm is horizontal, or forwards if the arm is pointing down; to twist the forarm… … Wiktionary
supinate — Synonyms and related words: blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over, bring down, bulldog, cast down, chop down, convert, couch, cut down, dash down, deck, down, drop, evert, fell, fetch down, floor, ground, hew down, introvert, intussuscept,… … Moby Thesaurus
supinate — v. rotate the hand or foot so that the palm or sole faces upward … English contemporary dictionary
supinate — [ su:pɪneɪt] verb technical put or hold (a hand, foot, or limb) with the palm or sole turned upwards. Compare with pronate. Derivatives supination noun Origin C19 (earlier (C17) as supination): back form. from supination, from L. supinatio(n ),… … English new terms dictionary
supinate — su·pi·nate … English syllables
supinate — su•pi•nate [[t]ˈsu pəˌneɪt[/t]] v. nat•ed, nat•ing 1) anat. to turn (the hand or foot) to a supine position 2) anat. to assume a supine position; become supinated • Etymology: 1825–35; < L supīnātus, ptp. of supīnāre to lay faceup. See supine … From formal English to slang