- supermajority
- сущ. сверхквалифицированное большинство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
supermajority — su·per·ma·jor·i·ty / sü pər mə ˌjȯr ə tē/ n: a large majority a provision requiring a supermajority vote say, 80 % of the common shares instead of the usual bare majority rule R. C. Clark Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… … Law dictionary
supermajority — [so͞o΄per mə jôr′ə tē, so͞o΄per məjär′ə tē] n. a specified number or percentage of votes, exceeding the minimum needed to produce a majority, required to pass certain legislative bills, ballot issues, etc … English World dictionary
Supermajority — Part of the Politics series Politics List of political topics Politics by country … Wikipedia
Supermajority — A corporate amendment in a company s charter requiring a large majority (anywhere from 67 90%) of shareholders to approve important changes, such as a merger. This is sometimes called a supermajority amendment . Often a company s charter will… … Investment dictionary
supermajority — ˌ noun Etymology: super + majority (I) : a majority (as two thirds or three fifths) greater than a simple majority treaty ratification requires a supermajority … Useful english dictionary
supermajority voting — USA This term has a number of meanings. In the context of: • Finance, it is also known as requisite lender voting. A requirement for the affirmative vote of lenders holding more than a majority (usually 66 2/3%) of the amount of unused… … Law dictionary
supermajority provisions — Provisions in the byelaws of a company that call for more than a simple majority of its members when voting on certain motions, such as the approval of a merger or whether or not to agree to a takeover. In these circumstances the provisions may… … Big dictionary of business and management
supermajority — noun Date: 1977 a majority (as two thirds or three fifths) greater than a simple majority … New Collegiate Dictionary
supermajority — /sooh peuhr meuh jawr i tee, jor /, n., pl., supermajorities. 1. a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority. 2. a majority greater than a specified number, as 60%, of the total: required to pass certain types of… … Universalium
supermajority — noun /ˌs(j)upɜrməˈʤɔrɪti/ any qualified majority, specified in advance of a vote, required for the vote to be passed … Wiktionary
Supermajority — Provision in a company s charter requiring a majority of, say, 80% of shareholders to approve certain changes, such as a merger. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms