- supergiant
- сверхгигант (астрономия) (звезда-) сверхгигант (тж. * star)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
supergiant — [so͞o′pər jī΄ənt] n. an immense and extremely luminous star, as Betelgeuse or Antares, that has a diameter at least 100 times that of the sun and that is 100 to more than 10,000 times as bright … English World dictionary
Supergiant — Supergiants are among the most massive stars. In the Hertzsprung Russell diagram they occupy the top region of the diagram. In the Yerkes spectral classification supergiants are class Ia (most luminous supergiants) or Ib (less luminous… … Wikipedia
supergiant — noun Date: 1926 something that is extremely large; especially a star of very great intrinsic luminosity and enormous size • supergiant adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
supergiant — /sooh peuhr juy euhnt/, n. 1. Astron. See supergiant star. 2. an extremely large or powerful person, company, thing, etc. adj. 3. extremely large; immense. [1925 30; SUPER + GIANT] * * * … Universalium
supergiant star — noun see supergiant 2 * * * Astron. an exceptionally luminous star whose diameter is more than 100 times that of the sun, as Betelgeuse or Antares. Also called supergiant. [1925 30] * * * su|per|gi|ant «SOO puhr JY uhnt», noun, or supergiant star … Useful english dictionary
supergiant star — Astron. an exceptionally luminous star whose diameter is more than 100 times that of the sun, as Betelgeuse or Antares. Also called supergiant. [1925 30] * * * Star of very great natural luminosity and relatively enormous size, typically several… … Universalium
supergiant slalom distance — didžiausiojo slalomo nuotolis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Atstumas, kurį kalnų slidininkas turi įveikti vingiais leisdamasis nuo labai kalvoto šlaito pro kontrolinius vartus. Didžiausiojo slalomo nuotolio ilgis daugiau… … Sporto terminų žodynas
supergiant slalom — didžiausiasis slidinėjimo slalomas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kalnų slidinėjimo greičio ir technikos varžybos. Slidininkas turi gerai mokėti visus kalnų slidinėjimo technikos veiksmus (slydimo būdus, šuolius, įvairius… … Sporto terminų žodynas
supergiant — noun A very large star having a mass between 10 and 70 solar masses … Wiktionary
supergiant — adj. especially bright star whose diameter is 100 times larger than that of the sun (Astronomy) … English contemporary dictionary
supergiant — noun Astronomy a star that is greater and more luminous than a giant … English new terms dictionary