- superdiagonal element
- мат. элемент над диагональю (матрицы)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Jordan normal form — In linear algebra, a Jordan normal form (often called Jordan canonical form)[1] of a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space is an upper triangular matrix of a particular form called Jordan matrix, representing the operator on some… … Wikipedia
List of matrices — This page lists some important classes of matrices used in mathematics, science and engineering: Matrices in mathematics*(0,1) matrix a matrix with all elements either 0 or 1. Also called a binary matrix . *Adjugate matrix * Alternant matrix a… … Wikipedia
Partition (number theory) — Young diagrams associated to the partitions of the positive integers 1 through 8. They are so arranged that images under the reflection about the main diagonal of the square are conjugate partitions. In number theory and combinatorics, a… … Wikipedia
Operator norm — In mathematics, the operator norm is a means to measure the size of certain linear operators. Formally, it is a norm defined on the space of bounded linear operators between two given normed vector spaces. Contents 1 Introduction and definition 2 … Wikipedia
Jordan matrix — In the mathematical discipline of matrix theory, a Jordan block over a ring R (whose identities are the zero 0 and one 1) is a matrix which is composed of 0 elements everywhere except for the diagonal, which is filled with a fixed element… … Wikipedia
Lehmer matrix — In mathematics, particularly matrix theory, the n×n Lehmer matrix is the constant symmetric matrix defined by:A {ij} =egin{cases}i/j, jge i j/i, j n . The values of elements diminish toward zero away from the diagonal, where all elements have… … Wikipedia